Yashvinblogs Awards 2015


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Warm welcome to the most awaited annual rendez-vous of the blog.

Already at its fourth edition, the Yashvinblogs Awards has been a truly enriching series of events in which actors of our country are given the prestigious awards of the blog based on different criteria, namely their actions, activity, participation and sense of humor during the past 12 months. If you want to revive the past editions, click on the corresponding years : 2012, 2013 and 2014)

Unlike preceding years, only a few movies made remarkably well in the box-office. With daily support from the local media, some of them are still entertaining the population even nowadays. I bet you already know which ones I’m talking about!

Without losing any time, let’s discover the winners :


Best Actor Bad-Hein ( Movie : Chef Inspecteur Gadget )
Best Actress Ameeena ( Movie : The Presidency)
Best Actor in a comedy role Richaard ( Movie : Le malchanceux )
Best Actress in a comedy role Koubitaa ( Movie : The day I become the Prime Minister )
Best Actor in a supporting role Shakil ( Movie : Millions à gogo )
Best Actress in a supporting role Veenaa ( Movie : Millions à gogo)
Best Actor in a villain role Raakesh ( Movie : Millions à gogo )
Best Actress in a villain role Naandinee ( Movie : The father of my son )
Best Shooting location Casernes Centrales ( Movie : Millions à gogo )
Most Promising new-comer Actor Bad-Hein ( Movie : Chef Inspecteur Gadget )
Most Promising new-comer Actress Ameeena ( The Presidency)
Most awaited release The day I become the Prime Minister
Best Director Bhai Soudun ( Movie : 3 jours de gloire )
Best Song EOULA! By King, featuring Bhaya Aneerood
Best Movie Millions à gogo
Best Dialogue Shakil (“Mogambo khush houa”)
Best Profit-making Millions à gogo
Best Thriller Les Miserables de l’Empire Dhaawaat
Outstanding Performance Raj ( Movie : Super Raj )
Lifetime Achievement Award Paul ( The Endless Hope )
Special Jury Award Menon ( The Presidency )

*clap hands*

As usual, your comments will be the most appreciated. My personal challenge for next year is to host a video for the Award Ceremony. And probably prepare a list of nominees too. Big plans indeed. Let’s wait and see if this will be feasible.

Wish all of you a very nice weekend.

Cheers to the winners!!!


2 thoughts on “Yashvinblogs Awards 2015

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  1. ‘Nandinee in The Father of my Son’ killed me. ^^ The political horizons in the Mauritian diaspora are still grim unfortunately. Let’s hope the new generations learn how to vote with their head instead of their emotions. Btw, what’s your opinion on the recent ban on plastic bags? Personally, I think it wasn’t proper properly planned. There are biodegradable bags but they are banned too. Also, they didn’t give businesses time to find alternatives. Paper boxes are impractical and have a terrible impact on forests. Shopping has become a burdensome task and people will now be forced to use their cars in order to carry their goods. I feel that the government is out of touch with the current issues of today.


    1. Hi.
      Biodegradable bags? Nothing has really been communicated. But as far as I know, they are allowed. The only problem is that you won’t find them in the market right now because of their price and lack of companies producing them. I once read that it was only recently that the ministry had approved production of these bags and plastic industries now need to import the raw material and adapt themselves to be able to produce them.

      Personally. I think it is a good idea to ban plastic bags but there was a rush to implement it. For example, fruit sellers believe that they can use “roll” plastic bags or even “sac plastic dipain” to hold the fruits. This practice is openly being done in the Central Market, Port Louis. As we talked about biodegradable plastic bags, the government should have encouraged the production of these allowable plastic bags right from the start.

      Lastly, talking about paper bags: they will defend themselves by saying that these bags are made from recycled materials, hence not directly causing deforestation. I believe so.

      Btw, thanks for commenting 🙂


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