Quelques mots du “bloggeur du village”

Hier, l'apparition de l'article intitulé "Le bloggeur du village" dans le quotidien "Le Matinal" a certainement surpris plus d'un. Cette édition du journal a vite fait le tour du bureau alors que les "likes" continuent à pleuvoir sur ma page de Facebook.

The best “boulettes” in town… euh… Mauritius

If you follow me on Facebook, you probably noticed that I never miss an opportunity to post those yummy pics of food (accompanied by beer on Fridays)! Sometimes it can be in the form of dholl purree or noodles or pizza or "boulettes", just like today, when I went for a stroll in China Town.

Did you eat a naan recently?

Today, the topic is not about the "farata" and "roti" which are very common in Indian cuisine but instead, I will be briefly talking about the one which is widely available during the muslims' fast in the occasion of the eid celebrations.

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