Car washing like a boss

While driving back from Flic en Flac two weeks ago, this particular scene at Beau Songes made me drove back to this particular spot but this time, armed with my camera. As you can see, the person drove his car right in the middle of the river to give it a wash with the help of the little guy, most probably his son.

Le soleil était au rendez-vous…

Il valait la peine de se réveiller à 3heures du mat et prendre la direction de la "Montagne Signaux" afin de faire des photos de la ville et aussi du levée du soleil. Environ 500 photos ont été nécessaires afin de monter la vidéo qui suit.

Bothering about megapixels?

For most people, the first thing which comes to their mind when thinking about a camera is "How much megapixels does it have"? I was among those people too until I discovered that the number of megapixels does not really matter...

Tamron 70-300mm f/4-5.6 Di LD Macro for Nikon

A few weeks ago, I purchased my second lens, a Tamron 70-300mm f/4-5.6 Di LD Macro (with Built in Motor for Nikon). I came up with this article to share a few pics of the lens together with a small review for my point of view, that of an amateur who loves photography...

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