Orange Sitara, the final…

The final of Orange Sitara is here! So, first of all, I didnt really know that the final was going to be today, despite the numerous adverts that have surely been broadcasted on the tv, which I didnt have the 'opportunity' to watch since I was back from home very late these last days.

Playing with Google Maps

I was googling a bit to look for some code which will allow me to Include Google Map into my posts, if ever I find the need to. There are some good tutorials and examples on the web, without forgetting the essential Google Map API documentation.

Scenes not seen everyday

This Wednesday(today) was a very tiring and sleepy day since some of my project team members and myself left office at nearly 330am(wednesday) after nearly 19hours in office! At noon, Bernard and myself went to "prend imper l'air" and "asté salade"at the famous 4-way all stop at the entrance of Champs de Mars... While stepping... Continue Reading →

Trou aux Biches BBQ Party + Rakhi

BBQ Party Yesterday, we had a Farewell BBQ Party @ Trou aux Biches, organised by Ingrid (Reunionaise) & Floria (Française), who were both working at DCDM Consulting as trainees for the last months. Since they will be flying away, they held this party, supported by the Underground Committee, comme dab koi 😛 About 30 DCDMCians... Continue Reading →

Caught speeding at 175MPH!

This is an example of one of the days on which you regret for having took the decision to take the car out in the night. Nobody even thought that the following story would happen to me... Le destin est ce qui nous arrive au moment où on ne s'y attend pas. I was already... Continue Reading →

Introducing blogging

Hi everyone! I just wrote a page on "Blogging"... Took me about 3hrs to cover different important points on blogging... My main objective was to introduce blogging to newbies, in a simple way, with lots of pictures... You can read it here, and perhaps mention any additional points I have missed out... Lets see if... Continue Reading →

Chak De Bachche!

Today, while Orange Sitara is on live broadcast on MBC1 just right now,  I am gonna talk on Chak De Bachche, pronounced as "Chak De Bachche" lol... Chak De Bachche is an Indian Television children’s singing and dancing competition. The show got started on March 28, 2008 on 9X Entertainment Television channel. It was hosted... Continue Reading →

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