After Sales Service at F@st Clique

You have most probably seen him commenting here or perhaps you are one of his friends on the various profiles which Facebook eventually blocked. Today, the famous Tushal will be our guest writer and he will be ranting at one of his purchases at a computer hardware shop, which we will name as F@st Clique.

Discovering the Planking craze

The word might seem weird and new, isn't it? Perhaps a bit stupid too. But in fact, this "practice" has recently (and dangerously) gained attention over the world. And tested it briefly for you .

AaawwWww, sh0 cUt3!

You have surely come across across some kids using this type of language, especially on Facebook...

What do you think about their new style of expressing themselves?

My Swiss knife

Some 10 years ago, I had several of them at home but each one of them disappeared (or got lost) mysteriously. Anyways, I purchased this one on ebay for $28 (Including $6 shipping). Took 2 weeks to get to MRU with First Class Mail International shipping. While checking the manufacturer's web site, I fell in... Continue Reading →

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