Happy New Year 2020

Less than 24 hours to go before hitting year 2020 and unfortunately, the celebrations are going to be spoilt because of the cyclonic conditions caused by Calvania and the whole lot of associated inconveniences during the past 48 hours now. Let's forget the cyclone for a few seconds; Year 2019 in some quick points -... Continue Reading →

Yashvinblogs Awards 2016

Ladies and Gentlemen, For the 5th time in the history, I have the immense pleasure to welcome all of you to the biggest and most prestigious awards ceremony of the Mauritian web, the Yashvinblogs Awards! As you already know, I'm your host on this very special day of Friday 13th which some consider as lucky... Continue Reading →

10 years of blogging

10 years already since I wrote the first post ever for my blog. I never imagined that the passion for blogging would still be holding a special place place in my life for so long and hopefully, for many more years to come. Throwing a party for this 10th blogging anniversary would have been a very good... Continue Reading →

Yashvinblogs Awards 2015

Ladies and Gentlemen, Warm welcome to the most awaited annual rendez-vous of the blog. Already at its fourth edition, the Yashvinblogs Awards has been a truly enriching series of events in which actors of our country are given the prestigious awards of the blog based on different criteria, namely their actions, activity, participation and sense of humor during the... Continue Reading →

[Guest post] Alarming number of young graduates without a job

It goes without saying that our country has a real problem due to the persistent increase in unemployment among youngsters. Through this guest article, I wanted to express my feelings, share my observations and views about the limited job opportunities in our island. I have gone through so many bad times during the past months and probably many among you have similar experiences too.

Phénomène : Journées mondiales – un effet de mode

Paru dans l'édition du jour du DefiQuotidien : "Journée mondiale du blog La démocratisation de l’accès à l’Internet dans l’île a donné naissance à plusieurs blogueurs. Ces derniers participent souvent aux célébrations de la Journée mondiale du blog le 31 août. Yashvin Awootar qui anime des débats d’actualité sur « Yashvin Blogs » depuis 2006... Continue Reading →

Quelques mots du “bloggeur du village”

Hier, l'apparition de l'article intitulé "Le bloggeur du village" dans le quotidien "Le Matinal" a certainement surpris plus d'un. Cette édition du journal a vite fait le tour du bureau alors que les "likes" continuent à pleuvoir sur ma page de Facebook.

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