yashvinblogs.com, a new look for 2009…

Something has surely changed here in this blog, did you notice? As from today, yashvinblogs.com has a new look, ready to take up the challenge for 2009. I believe its more user-friendly, a easy interface for first time users, and a neat navigation with easy access to important blog articles. Come on friends, please provide your feedback 🙂

When will prices decrease?

20% increase announced in October 2008, lots of people started to protest especially bus owners associations and school van drivers but when there is a decrease, no one tells anything! Kant diesel monter, tout monter, b kant diesel baisser, narien pas baisser?

XXL Shop in Mauritius?

Finding big sized clothes in Mauritius is really a headache... despite the (growing?) number of potential customers including tourists... We are not only talking about over-weight people, but also those who are tall and well-built. People often confuse the word "big" and "fat", which don't really mean the same thing. I may be big, but not fat or even the vice-versa or both...lol

God on Facebook?

Someone has found that God is even on facebook! Have a look at his profile, and how he planned the creation of humanity. Anyone else found him?

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