Bye bye Port Louis

Ever since I started working, I have been greatly in love with Port Louis. For one minute, just forget the busy traffic and think about the number of shops, restaurants, hawkers playing hide and seek with authorities, great atmosphere (especially during the end of year festive period), the central market, China Town, the large variety... Continue Reading →

So, I went to have my new ID Card…

After waiting for ages to see changes in the new biometrical National Identity Card, I finally decided to go for it before the new deadline of 30th April 2017. Despite being totally against this ID Card as it is currently, I felt that I had no choice left after the numerous attempts for local groups... Continue Reading →

Did you eat a naan recently?

Today, the topic is not about the "farata" and "roti" which are very common in Indian cuisine but instead, I will be briefly talking about the one which is widely available during the muslims' fast in the occasion of the eid celebrations.

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