Yashvinblogs Awards 2016

Ladies and Gentlemen, For the 5th time in the history, I have the immense pleasure to welcome all of you to the biggest and most prestigious awards ceremony of the Mauritian web, the Yashvinblogs Awards! As you already know, I'm your host on this very special day of Friday 13th which some consider as lucky... Continue Reading →

Yashvinblogs Awards 2015

Ladies and Gentlemen, Warm welcome to the most awaited annual rendez-vous of the blog. Already at its fourth edition, the Yashvinblogs Awards has been a truly enriching series of events in which actors of our country are given the prestigious awards of the blog based on different criteria, namely their actions, activity, participation and sense of humor during the... Continue Reading →

Political game frustrates youngsters

Today's headlines on "News on Sunday" is short and clear but yet, says a lot. I just hope that the concerned persons get the message which we, youngsters, who are neither part of their "pti copains" network nor benefit from any of their privileges .

Yashvinblogs Awards 2013

After the worldwide success of the first edition held last year, it is with an immense pleasure that I'm welcoming all of you today for the second edition of the unique and most awaited (lol) award in Mauritius, I named, the Yashvinblogs Awards!

Patrick, shut the heck up!

First of all, my sincere apologies to all the Patricks reading this post. I really thought a lot before using those words in the title.
Personally, I think that this person just speaks rubbish while trying to cover up things happening in the country and taking Mauritians for stupids!

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