Divyansh’s 4th birthday – Bahubali

Bahubali is a Telegu and Tamil movies from 2015 and 2017, later dubbed in hindi. Both releases achieved records in terms of budget allocated and box office hits .The movies are indeed awesome to watch. We (rather the kids) came across these movies back in April 2021 and since then, the songs have been playing daily on our television sets, hence the choice as a birthday theme.

Divyansh’s 3rd birthday – Airplanes

Like every child ( and even the inner child in us, adults), he loves watching airplanes whether on YouTube, or anywhere when they are flying over his head. Crossing fingers to bring him on a real one once the Covid-stuff implies less risk ( or eradicated).

Please note down my new age : 31

How many times have you seen someone being photographed with a birthday cake along with two candles showing the number 31? Well, I wasn't photographed neither but I did photoshop the picture of Dhanvin's cake for the sake of this post. Coming to my daily ageing project, I'm glad ( and proud) that I have now over 1000 selfies, shot practically... Continue Reading →

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