Introducing new laws for pedestrians regarding use of mobile phones


Ever since the special adviser of the Prime Minister, Mr Ben Buntipilly announced that they are working on the necessary legal framework to increase security on our roads by especially targeting pedestrians, I heard several persons actively commenting this topic. Several questions are being raised while waiting for more official details to be known:

  • As far as I remember, the security adviser specifically mentioned the excessive use of earphones and mobile phones by pedestrians and the potential danger that this can cause when walking on the streets.
  • While it might be probable that only some regions are concerned with these ‘laws’, will there be signs warning the pedestrians?
  • How many accidents have been caused because of the use of mobile phones by pedestrians. Is there any stats officially available?
  • What will be the penalty and how severe will the sanctions be?

While I agree having personally come across people doing stupid things like carelessly crossing the roads while busy talking on their mobile phones, I am eager to know how they will cater for, manage and enforce these soon-to-be infractions to our law. I’m not totally against the introduction of such laws but how fair will they be?

Update :

Some additional points that I would like to add to my existing post :

  • Ask yourself the question :
    Why do some people NEED to walk on streets in the capital and other towns? What if there were no hawkers occupying the whole space on the streets? But instead, we are witnessing a “bras de fer” between the government and the municipality of Port Louis. Again dirty politics!
  • How to prevent people from walking on streets?
    There’s a simple solution to that problem and it is surprising to see that this is not implemented all round the high risks areas. The installation of the iron structures hand rails (“main courante”) along the pavements will ensure that pedestrians walk along those pavements.
  • Before enforcing the forthcoming laws, the government should also cater for “mobile booths” so that people can actually stop and talk in a pre-defined corner! *stupid*!

To end with this post update, the population needs a proper education. Not sanctions.

/* end of update */


I’m quite pessimist about this when I think about how existing laws are not properly enforced in real life. I have previously talked about these in a previous post here. Additionally in today’s context, I’m hereby talking about the use of mobile while driving or other more dangerous road users like the electric scooters and the fact that they do not need any helmet protection. And when I think that there are laws forbidding the use of bluetooth devices too while the latest models of vehicles imported have built-in bluetooth options. What an irony!

On the other hand, I find this announcement pretty lame too, considering the latest advances in technology and in the mobility world. Leading companies like Samsung, Apple and Google are working on innovative gadgets like wearable smart-watches and glasses, thus bringing communication to a totally different level.

For now, let’s wait and see…

What are your views?

14 thoughts on “Introducing new laws for pedestrians regarding use of mobile phones

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  1. My Views are quite similar to yours. Just that maybe in some way or the other we are all responsible for such laws that frustrate an entire population.
    If every person would have learnt to take his own responsibility today. There would be no use of such laws. We have given them the chance to apply laws and fines to fill their pockets as we say. 🙂


  2. “I’m quite pessimist about this when I think about how existing laws are not properly enforced in real life”.

    You said it all, dear Sir, all is condensed in this one little sentence that summarises the fatality that’s crippling Dodoland since so long: beautiful, articulate and precise laws and regulations which, if enforced in practice AND spirit at even only 10%, would make us resemble our wet-dream generator Singapore…
    Just a little reminder for all road users: if pedestrians do have absolute priority on zebra cross-here’s, it’s forbidden to cross the road outside that same zebra cross-here within 75m from it. And there are many other laws like this which are never enforced by the deaf-dumb-blind policemen we are afflicted with.

    “…the use of mobile while driving or other more dangerous road users like the electric scooters and the fact that they do not need any helmet protection.”

    What can we add more? Samem ki appel “guett ar dé lizié” / “koz doub langaaz” ha!

    “And when I think that there are laws forbidding the use of bluetooth devices too while the latest models of vehicles imported have built-in bluetooth options.
    What an irony!”

    PAF!!!! I can safely bet that all the ministers’ cars are like this… And even their very dear and rich friends from the top brass of business and their glitterati coterie with whom they were drinking champagne at the opening of the Porsche gallery the other day… Imagine Ben telling Porsche to remove that bluetooth-thingy from its standard package…

    “…considering the latest advances in technology and in the mobility world.”

    Who spoke about “Cyber Island”…?

    “Leading companies like Samsung, Apple and Google are working on
    innovative gadgets like wearable smart-watches and glasses, thus
    bringing communication to a totally different level.”

    Er, dear Sir, this level is that one that Ben wants to chain us from and his (very) myopic vision. And if his very own Lider Maximo can’t see this mega-blunder in the making, do you think he is really relevant…? In anything at all?


    1. Road Traffic Act 1954 – sorry for the lack of precision, as this one is not published, not even at the Special RSU‘s website, nor at the MPU‘s damn it!

      By the way, you may have a fairly well-rounded view on our local driving environment here.


  3. There is a need for more safety awareness concerning pedestrians. As you mentioned I have also seen people talking on their mobiles phones who are completely unaware of traffic danger or danger they are causing by being negligent. On the other hand there are now cases of pedestrians being victims of accidents while crossing on clearly designated public crossings. There are specific dangerous areas for pedestrians such as bus stations. This is where people are crossing between parked buses in driver’s blind spots.


  4. Its unclear. Will the law only be applied on the ROAD, or even on pedestrian paths along roads.
    The actually have to defined, what is a road!

    Is it :
    “A road can be defined as the area covered with tar and reserved for driving vehicles. ” or Anything else? A law cannot be ambiguous.

    Furthermore, those electric scooter with no helmet appears to be much more dangerous issue to handle.


  5. Update :

    Some additional points that I would like to add to my existing post :

    Ask yourself the question :
    Why do some people NEED to walk on streets in the capital and other towns? What if there were no hawkers occupying the whole space on the streets? But instead, we are witnessing a “bras de fer” between the government and the municipality of Port Louis. Again dirty politics!

    How to prevent people from walking on streets?
    There’s a simple solution to that problem and it is surprising to see that this is not implemented all round the high risks areas. The installation of the iron structures along the pavements will ensure that pedestrians walk along those pavements.

    Before enforcing the forthcoming laws, the government should also cater for “mobile booths” so that people can actually stop and talk in a pre-defined corner! *stupid*!

    To end with this post update, the population needs a proper education. Not sanctions.

    /* end of update */


  6. I’m not against it good to introduce new law to enforce more security on the road. But if this trend continues and if we accept everything then for every little thing there will be law and in more years it will affect the free living in a republic of ours. With the new concept of identity biometric, many have observed how it dangerous. Now in regard to security issue what if I tell you that it will be of great help if every pedestrians that walk on the road should wear a protective helmet. I’m sure many will react because though it a preventive measure yet it will causes lot of conveniences. That is why I say that it not practicable in our society that we accept everything that the Govt decide. Law law law, it is not wise that there should be law everywhere. It has it advantage but it has many disadvantages as well.


  7. Update: (Source lexpress)

    Après avoir annoncé une loi visant à interdire aux piétons d’utiliser leurs téléphones portables quand ils se trouvent sur des routes où la circulation est dense, le gouvernement fait marche arrière.
    «C’était juste une proposition. Elle n’est plus à l’agenda», indique Ben Buntipilly, conseiller du Premier ministre en matière de sécurité routière. Selon lui, la police préfère se concentrer sur les lois existantes et les renforcer.


    1. «C’était juste une proposition. Elle n’est plus à l’agenda»
      Another U-turn by government – Minister Bachoo is finding some competition in the matter!!! 🙂

      An interesting idea I heard over the radio: if pedestrians are to be fined for walking outside pavements, then vehicles too should be heavily fined for parking on pavements and on no-parking zones, and the law for two-away zones should be thoroughly and actively enforced at all times, especially near heavily trafficked areas.

      May I add: police officers (and government officials) violating these no-parking laws should be doubly fined for making a mockery of their own job – to enforce the law.

      Oh yes, I think I’m going to side with Ben for having that proposed law a reality!

      And then, some day in the danger-less future, we’ll be fined for engaging into a conversation with our loved ones while walking along a road… And having fans at home, which we all know, burn down your home, not your absence of maintenance nor the authorities’ duty to exert technical control on imported / counterfeitedgoods. And cars, which kill, not speed… And knives…

      Bravo Dodoland!


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