Outta Control. Just my 50Cents


The alarmingly high death toll in our island after the several road accidents and the floods, the introduction of new defective speed cameras and the “Permis à Points”, the ex-Attorney General Varma case and the go-slow of the employees in the port, the country is now facing another serious problem. The employees of NTC (National Transport Corporation) are officially on strike today. No buses of the governmental-owned company are operating their respective routes around the island. This is quite a chaos because people can’t move around to their place of work or to schools.

Back in December 2012, I wrote on a few problems which concern us, Mauritians. To that list, we can add the following: Medpoint saga, Nandinee Soornack, the much controversial MITD case, closed access to public beaches while part of them are given away to hotels, the Mauritius Telecom/Orange network problems, street hawkers, foyer namaste and finally the much awaited electoral reform. Bref, so many more!

And when the vice-prime minister has to intervene live on a private radio to ask for forgiveness after he publicly referred to journalists as “zanimos” (animals) and “malades mentaux” (mentally sick), that’s definitely “la goutte qui fait déborder le vase”.

Personally, that’s too much for a small island.

18 thoughts on “Outta Control. Just my 50Cents

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  1. Accumulation of bad vibes for the government. The next phase is a reshuffling of portfolios. However, there is malaise in society which is rapidly losing faith in the institutions. There is a need for a renewal and a change of mentalities otherwise it will be même zaffaire.


  2. In the case of this strike I do not really see its real purpose right now :/
    I got a feeling that it has been instigated by someone who is taking advantage of this situation and causing a disbalance in politics, the government and the society. :S


    1. If you consider the CNT case as a whole, the head of the management is at stake.
      How can so many buses drive around the country with defective parts? Is this tolerable? We have already lost so many people during the last month.



  3. From what I’ve read, Baichoo’s temporary measure of subcontracting NTC’s lines (and not the least: I’ve personally travelled along them since childhood, and I can say that most of them are very busy, even off-peak, which in fact equates to selling off the jewels of the crown in the minds of the NTC workers) is now novel, but the problem is that this has been done in the past and the then temporary measure is still in force (forgotten? not really: look at which private bus lines in the South of the island have seen business flourish and are now the most dangerous ones…). So Minister’s guarantee, even if given in Parliament, coupled with the arrogance displayed while teaming with the Minister of Labour to threaten workers with termination, wears very thin.

    I just hope that this sad episode will end peacefully.

    But we just know that the “pep admirab” will eventually find that, with the great help of MBC TV, the noble aspirations of the NTC workers were realised by the visionary visions of the Prime Minister. Even if everything around us is rotting: presumed pedophiles as teachers, money launderers flourishing everywhere, policemen getting embroiled in murky cases if they don’t get beaten up by ordinary criminals, defective buses and vehicles never getting arrested, etc, etc…

    Mauritius, c’était un plaisir…

    PS: After those on the issues of motorcycle speedometers, fire extinguishers, retroreflective number plates, etc, etc will there be another U-turn by the specialist?


  4. Read this: “La réunion de crise ministres-syndicats, qui a eu lieu en début
    d’après-midi ce mercredi 26 juin, après le début d’une grève à la CNT, a
    accouché de trois décisions, dont la réattribution immédiate de
    l’itinéraire 141 à la CNT et l’ouverture des négociations salariales.”

    Do you see something? 🙂 What do you think about it? 😀


      1. Well not really. Mais mo remarquer. Le but ça la grève la ti pou bannes bis CNT rer gagne zot la route et aussi mette pression lor la direction pou prend actions pour ressi gagne bon bus.

        Mais l’heure negotiation gagne bonus tout? 😛


  5. Yashvin can you cover the new id with the fingerprinting and stuff mate i find that spooky why would someone need your finger prints … and also why is no one paying attention to the security grid of useless stuff just to waste money on security rather than investing in real safety like new buses and hiring some good mechanics….and investing in good common sense rather than superficial fingerprinting chips and cameras .. This is a sham and someone is making real good money on the contracts….


    1. Hi. In fact, I’m waiting to get the new ID card (once it is out). Probably, I might be among the first ones since my surname starts with an “A”.

      Unfortunately, that politics. They won’t do anything except if they get something in return.
      Thanks for your comment 😉


  6. traffic jam, hospital pharmacy running out of stock, other ministers being arrogant, ministry of education covering MITD Case


  7. After Richard Duval and his funnily strange cough medicine that prevented him from blowing in a breathalyzer, now Jeetah with his EIILLM.

    This comes after the Amul milk, cement forced shortage, Desbro reinforcement bars, KFC closure, Turkish flour cases… It seems we have a real serial fanérr-dal!!!

    Kot guétté, left-right-center, fékal mém!


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