Escaping traffic jam on north motorway, besides Tuna factory

If ever you need to witness how some Mauritian drivers try to escape a traffic jam, you should just spend a few minutes near the Tuna factory, midway between Riche Terre and Roche Bois. People using this road to get to Port Louis surely know what I’m talking about.

Instead of driving along the motorway, they just switch to a parallel secondary road going pass the container park and the tuna factory. Once the end of this road is reached, they now need to get back onto the motorway.

A vehicle joining in the mentioned parallel road :

A security van from Brinks going along the parallel road *Same van can be seen in pics below* :

Well, some of you would say : “There’s nothing wrong in trying to avoid a traffic jam”. True. But the way with which some of these drivers attempt to get back to the motorway is quite dangerous and sometimes aggressive.

No accidents till now but many drivers surely start their day on a bad note. This is definitely not the only place in Mauritius where so-called drivers behave as such, believing that they need top priority to get to their destination.

A bon entendeur, salut!

26 thoughts on “Escaping traffic jam on north motorway, besides Tuna factory

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  1. I guess you are right… La chance ki pas encore gagne accident dans ça bannes cas la.
    Enfin if a driver tries to do this in front of me, mo laisse li paC. No point in challenging such drivers. At least I know I am safe and my car is safe. 😛

    Si zot sovaz zot envie frauder, ça zot probleme… or maybe they are really in a hurry to reach somewhere… but it’s up to them, as far as possible, mo sorti plis bonhr ki mo capave and anticipate such situation.

    Enfin I guess it’s all a question of discipline and rules after all, which nowadays most of the people seem to forget…


    1. I think that taking pics while driving is far more dangerous. But the fact that these guys do this is really some kind of threat.


      1. moricien ti touzour trasere..alor c pa du nouvo sa.phoenix zot fer li parti kot m croir apel sa Teak world(avan lusine labiere)


      2. Sa lakoz ena morisien sovaz, et lalo, zot roule kumadir zot in boire comprimE soulE, mais zot rest lor fast lane la em! Sa em dix mille voie si ranzE pas pou assE.

        Bizin bour zot lamann kan zot tini dans fast lane et dramE, mais kuma pou enforce sa???


      3. Yep i confirm, en plus zot trouve pou foncer pou rentre lor lane pou ale vers jumbo et zot fini par passe avant. En fin de compte, sa qui dans la queue res atan mem. Mem les gros camions et bus savane faire sa. Zot pas suposer ena droits change lane car ena 1 la ligne blanc labas. Si to tape r zot, to en raison.


    1. Mo leve ledoight si zot pa donne moi passage :p. Problem la pa bann dimoune la, mais eski li illegal? Eski ena kit form enforcement de sa bann la loi la si li illegal?


  2. The worst is at the traffic light near place d’armes, in the direction from north to south. Those guys taking the lane leading to the center of port-louis and joining again the motorway ahead. (From the central market near the motorway to the traffic light opposite waterfront).


    1. Oui sanla mo pas trop donne zot prioriter.

      In fact to avoid this situation, I take the fast lane pou ki mo pas gagne zafrs ek ça bannes qualités chauffeurs la! xD
      Parfois ena la police labas ki veiller! 😛


      1. Mo nepli fight against it asterr, mo either do it myself, or if someone else is doing it, b mo donne zot chemin. Playing some reggae music or beatles while driving makes you much mature and understanding


    1. Same 4 me, mo pas l’aise passer. Surtout si mo trouve ena 1 la ligne blanc ( qui veux dire qui li pas gaigne droit change lane
      et qui si mo call police li perdi points lor so liscence ET SURTOUT qui mo bizin re-faire la peinture mo boford devant et derrier 🙂 )… bin… !


  3. zot pa realiser ki zot gain just 2-3 minutes au max kan zot fer sa ou mem kan zot fer zigzag lor autoroute…5 minutes retard dan travail pa vaut ene contravention Rs2000!!!


  4. What these drivers are doing may not be ethical but is totally legal. So remain calm, keep your Jedi ways. These guys will eventually damage their own vehicle… one day that will happen and that will be the worst punishment. There’s no point in trying to block them as you may get involved in a accident unnecessarily. Be civilized and show the example.
    I can say I am light years from how I was as a driver a few years back. Now I am a defensive driver..


    1. “These guys will eventually damage their own vehicle… one day that will happen and that will be the worst punishment”
      No. The worst punishment can only be death, not just twisted metal sheets.


      1. You are wrong, the worst punishment is twisted metal sheets :p. Death is ok, but the car getting dented is worst!


  5. :p can’t do otherwise. Bad road layout, Increasing fuel prices (e. paying rs.1 for bus owners), so.. we need to survive. Morisien li traserrr, am not gonna sit dumb waiting for everyone to go through the shortcuts while legally it is not wrong to use the shortcut.


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