Running after tradesmen to get work done

Have you any plans to build a home or perhaps carry out some renovation works at home?

Unless you are a jack of all trades, you probably need the services of a construction worker, an electrician, a plumber, a carpenter, a metal worker or a painter among others. And based on my personal experience, you should start looking for them right away!

Today I can say that these skilled people are most of the time highly demanded, scarce and sometimes uncommitted towards the job. It can really be a pain to get hold of one of them, one whom you can actually trust. During the last few months, I got tired running after people and ensuring that they do the job correctly. Very often, you will need to roll up your sleeves and pitch in.

Despite all these difficulties, I’m nearly done with the works at home. And houses are growing everywhere around the island too. So, you just need some patience, courage and money. Have a nice weekend 😉

6 thoughts on “Running after tradesmen to get work done

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  1. Ena beaucoup ki pas honnête zordi ta. They are like only running after money. Make sure you do not given them too much money in advance. Ena la plupart ladans prend ça l’argent la alle boire sou… to travaille resse pending. They are opportunist.
    Mo penser bizin applique ene official standard lor ça bannes works la et ene quality control.
    This is what happens when everyone wants to work in an air conditioned office. 😛
    Everyone wants easy money… So they dnt want to do hard work in order to get money a living. La plupart fini tout dans boire!! 😛


  2. The problem is also that some take on too many clients and jobs at the sametime. So the work progress is sporadic and they tend to disappear to do some work at their other client. There is a lack of organizational skills and commitment. Some of the workers have to be continuously supervised and when the chief is not present they get lazy. I found some guy sleeping as soon as the boss was away. Reliability is not their forte. I realize now why there is imported Chinese labour on major building projects.


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