Drunk person dragging himself while Police passes by


There are so many examples in which we have seen people complaining about the some members of the police force not taking the appropriate actions or simply closing their eyes when they witness things.

One of those incidents was captured on video by Sanjay while I shot a few pictures with my mobile. The scene is as follows : A man was so drunk that he was unable to stand up and walk properly.

He had to cross the road, so he simply dragged himself across, ignoring vehicles coming towards him. Just then, we were lucky to capture the passing by of a Police vehicle,  only some 30m from that man. Perhaps you guessed it right, the police vehicle went away, ignoring what they have most probably seen. You can watch the video below or on Youtube.

32 thoughts on “Drunk person dragging himself while Police passes by

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  1. but why just blaming the police ?? ok yea coz they get paid to protect us etc .. but how about our civic duty ? how about those people dodging him like anything but no1 even bothered to stop by and enquire bout him or help him.how about he might just be looking drunk but actually dealing wiv a crisis or sth …its not about the police passing by .. i think its more about people caring a bit more and reach out for help !!!!!!


    1. I did try to help a drunk cross the road once. When I got him on his two feet, from his crouched position (yes, he was on all fours, comme un quadrupède), he swung something at me, I almost got hit in the face by that something he was hiding. He “ran” away yelling things at me, as if I had hurt him. From what I gathered from his slurred speech, he thought I was trying to rob him…

      I’d like to see you, Mishy, doing your civic duty. And with the taxes (I guess) you pay, you should get a refund in the form of “risk allowance”, don’t you think?

      As for me, merci, mais très peu pour moi maintenant. Never again.


      1. Yeah I know the risk involved .. but that does not mean that u cant just stop by and enquire if he is ok or need assistance … he might be drunk yes .. but it could have bn sth else as well .. u cant be so judgemental .. just from a distance … by helping him at no point i mentioned tat “to bisin alle maille li/souleve li – risse li depuis lor chemin” !!! you can just quickly go near to him n ask if he is ok or need assistance – or simply just give the local police a call bout the situation (they cming out to help is a different story) BUT atleast you have the feeling that yes i did something to help someone today  !!! instead of treating him like a dodgeball n being judgemental – *ahhh soulard sa -alors mo pas bisin casse tete !*


  2. I was expecting this kind of response too, about if other people reacted. I don’t think that the police are only paid to protect us.
    As far as I know, he nearly reached the other side, without getting hit by any vehicle. Several persons were watching him, I think that’s noticeable onto the video/pic. Also, he was practically on a pedestrian crossing.

    And he was dead drunk, at 13hrs.


    1. You should have helped him man… instead of just taking pictures / filming the scene. What if he got hit by a car while you were busy taking his pictures? How would you have felt then?


  3. I think as from now I’ll keep a digital camera with me all the time so that I can shoot all the things I see that does not get the adequate treatment from our ball-less “authorities”. Because my phone calls never work.
    Prepare to be overloaded.


  4. Strange that the police did not react to a dangerous road situation. Lucky for the guy that a drunken driver did not come along on that route!


  5. Did you ever thought that this man could have been some sort of handicapped beggar?? Cause we do not lack this in Mauritius as well. Do not judge at first sight, nothing in this vid let us know that this man was “drunk”…it could have well been a handicapped person in need of help and assistance. When you dont know, you dont say…worst, You dont SHARE!!! Thanks…


  6. Did you ever thought that this man could have been some sort of handicapped beggar?? Cause we do not lack this in Mauritius as well. Do not judge at first sight, nothing in this vid let us know that this man was “drunk”…it could have well been a handicapped person in need of help and assistance. When you dont know, you dont say…worst, You dont SHARE!!! Thanks…


    1. I am sure that I know how to make a difference between a drunk person and a handicapped one. I would just add that few minutes before this incident, we passed across him, lying drunk on the pavement. Come on. Aren’t you able to make the difference?


    2. And would you volunteer for a blood test to be 100% sure he was not drunk?
      Or a test at the Medical Council (yeah, the same one which sent a leg-amputee a certificate that he is only 10% incapacitated, and a blind person that she was a simulator and not qualified for a pension…) just to cut out any doubt? THEN, can Yashvin be sure he’s not offending any kind of politically-correct lobby, and then we comment on the post?

      Is the video not clear enough – maybe a problem with your connection speed / eyesight, methinks?

      So, let’s take on board that the person was “some sort of handicapped beggar”: what are you waiting for, Sweta? He might still be there: RUN, Sweta, RUN!

      Ah, wait, in Port Louis itself, at the Labourdonnais / Volcy Pougnet corner, there’s that old drunk hag that keeps scanning vehicles which have to stop at the traffic lights and if you look away, she actually hits her fist onto your side-windows to attract some attention!

      Sorry, she may not be an alcoholic at all, just wanting a hug: Go, Sweta go!

       – next time, Yashvin, a HD camera will be required to give proof with no chance of dissent like this one, what do you say? 🙂


      1. a chaque fois mo trouve li, et ki mo conner mo pu alle gagne feu rouge, mo arrete 10m avant la ligne ou loto devant moi. kan li pres pu arrive cot mo la porte, mo roule 2-3m..puis stop. mo attan li suive et kan li vine pres encor,mo re-rouler 2-3m..li mari arrager!! ha,ha,ha..lerla li alle chek prochain loto..kan dimoune donne li cash, li alle la boutik dan coin pu fer so bane achat.


  7. ki lendroit sa ? QB ? parski mone trouve 1 piti mari sou hier dans QB !! .. li p marser ek boucou difficulter kot sa la foire la .. 1 so camarade ti p sover ek 1 bouteille la biere ! dapres lord la police ti batte ar zotte p bwar s a.. ek zotte p sover ! lolz.. 


  8. oh ok ! just watched the video now ! .. it is in front of the collinne monneron and port louis SSS colleges sa 🙂 haha .. habitier trouver dans tranquebar ssa .. li pa drole ! lolz.. 


  9. Did the person filming and shooting provide assistance afterwards? 🙂

    La police ti besoin cofrer sa bougre la.. (ou appelle 1 lambilance apres cofrer li)… li 1 vrai danzer/nuizance pou tout lezot dimoune.. 

    zot besoin met 1 cracking lors ban soulards la… meme si ena des centaines et des centaines partout dans morice.. c’est sel solution.. desintox zot apres prison !!!!


    1. Malheuresement c toujours l’argent lepep ki servi pour re-habilite bane personnes parfois irresponsables.

      As for the filming part, mo pas croire ki apres ene mine/halim tiko, to pu envie al trapper et leve ene dimoune kine gros sou. Would you if the same scene happened a few months ago? 😛

      As Akash rightly said in the comments, to ena chance al gagne batter tout!


  10. @ Mishy:

    Take Sweta with you for a little popom and decide by yourselves which people loitering on the roads out there need your emotional/medical assistance. (Yashvin, be ready with your camera, and let’s go sell it to Vidéo Gag…)

    Judgmental? YOU are. Because any person you see in an uncommon posture on the street does not necesarily need a helping hand – and all people who happen to be in the immediate vicinity are not necesarily compelled to give that helping hand. 🙂 And also because you are letting some kind of politically correct / faked emotion take over what the rational facts are shouting at you. Why do you judge people passing-by minding their owm business as heartless just because they just happened to be there at that moment. It would have been different if their had been a crown of passive/jeering onlookers standing there only to satifsy some kind of morbid curiosity…

    If you have not told us to go and help him up, your insistance actually is more than suggesting it to us with your inappropriate insinuations, dear fellow human being… I’m simply sharing my first-hand experience of dealing with this kind of situation: what would you have done in Yashvin’s place? The way you are insisting on sympathy honours you, but you need to wake up from your vanilla-flavoured velvet-soft cushion and take a taste of the bitter reality: not everyone in this sad world has the best inentions all the time. Would you go up to the guy and say something like
    “Aryo meushieu, vunu mo gété si pa ou’nn gagne bobo, la-pushièrr lor ou, béz ça la-vie la hein, pas facile, gétté couma destin été do, vini mo prend ou mo aménn ou dan enn resto 5-étoiles ou racontt moi ki’nn arriv ou coumha…”
    If by your standards I am judgmental, then yes I am, and proud to be. Thank you. 🙂

    As for me, a drunk is a drunk. Do you think that the numerous people who were accused of murdering their own acquaintances* while under influence got away with their deeds? No way! They got convicted by courts, because an adult is always responsible of his actions, at any time, and substance abuse is certainly NOT a mitigating factor.

    On the same grounds, this guy creeping across the road should have been arrested for loitering, misdemeanour, public disturbance, and what not that exists as traffic and other regulations in this Dodoland.

    And if you probe further, as far as I know, alcoholic drinks are not supposed to be served this early in the day – where did he get his booze from outside normal operating hours? Ah, sorry, is it the regular supply source of the police officers who meet there regularly after work while warming up for proper TGIF’s…? Tension la-hein, it’s only a question, ok…?

    * – just face it – Jérome Bonaldi was speaking about that on Canal+ some years ago – if you are to die by some violent means, it’s 95% chance it will be by some acquaintance of yours: brother/sister, mother/father, relatives, friends. Strangers have very small interest in killing you. That’s a world-wide statistic that also applies to Dodoland (maybe “enhanced” by afterdrinking fights that are so popular here), and still too taboo to speak about openly by the media at large.


  11. @ Yashvin:
    On behalf of Sweta and Mishy,  thank YOU for giving them people time and space to come and discover / the opportunity to be exposed to real happenings outside their own pampered life…
    On my behalf, thank you for giving my humble writings some consideration…

    In the meantime, this won’t help improving the image of the police either…

    Apré bann gardd koronpi, avég, pas konn kondirr/parking, volérr, soularr, traffikan, esskro, violerr, pédofil, bann ki resté pé baklé zott travaiy asterr…
    Ki pou foutt ar zott? Eski Navin pou bizin rapel Shattock enkor?
    So, do we need to do justice by ourselves when the next drought-induced civil commotion will come?


  12. I once saw a man in his thirties lying on the middle of a road, eyes closed, no one around. And you know what I did to help? Nothing. I didn’t know if whether he was just a drunk guy or someone who got a heart attack (or someone who was sunbathing with clothes on) and I didn’t even get close enough to him to check, just kept walking. I felt bad after this event. This article kind of relieves some of my guilt knowing that even cops don’t give a fuck.

    But if you think about it, ‘kot sa pays la pe ale’??

    That drunk guy could have been your father, an uncle. Would you like it if a member of your family get into trouble and no one come to help them? And not all alcoholics are bad people, you know? So, Instead of judging him like “huh, ene soular sa. Avoy li ferfout.”, provide assistance, ‘soyons solidaires’, be a good Mauritian.


    1. “Would you like it if a member of your family get into trouble and no one come to help them? ”

      Yep, just saw that scene in a russian film (way better that Superman, Spiderman, Batman and the bunch) “L’Eclair Noir” recently. An egoistic guy turns down a woman supplicating him to call for an ambulance like this: “I’m busy! You call the ambulance, it’s free!” And it turns out that the guy who just fell down was his own dad, stabbed to death, and could have been saved if the ambulance had reached the scene one minute earlier…

      Yes Asdfasdf, you seem to have a point. But I’ll trust my instinct because, despite I’m a trained first-aider, I have one very bad experience with a drunkard which keeps me on guard since then. It’s not paranoia, it’s just that ‘un homme averti en vaut deux… 

      Maybe the subject of Yashvin’s next blog article: A small question to all those who think that anyone MUST help out whatever the risk: 
      You are driving back home along a road with your significant other by your side late at night, and you see someone on the roadside waving frantically at you: do you stop? 


  13. Soulard soulard soulard!!!! Pa facile!!! 1 ti anecdote: 1 jour mo ti p retourne dpi travail!! p pass dvan 1 superette a triolet mem…touzur dan ban ti chemin a triolet( chemin endan) kan 1 dimoune aret so loto dvan toi li kpv fer toi aatan ziska…pfff incroyable sa!!! En attendant ki dimoune la decide bouze so loto mne al porte attention lor 1 dimoune ki p bien kas pose dan la varangue s.marche la 1 bouteille dan so lamain p met so ti dialog ek so camarad tou!! Mo p gete et mo ti penser zot p share sa bouteille la…bof!!! Grande deception!! kumen mo fini penser dimoune la ouver so bouteille et to capav croire li fini li dan 1 temps record soit 8-9 seconds!!! mo res get li stupefait!! Mo croire lakaz delo aussi li pa boire so vitesse la et sa kantite la


  14. Soulard soulard soulard!!!! Pa facile!!! 1 ti anecdote: 1 jour mo ti p retourne dpi travail!! p pass dvan 1 superette a triolet mem…touzur dan ban ti chemin a triolet( chemin endan) kan 1 dimoune aret so loto dvan toi li kpv fer toi aatan ziska…pfff incroyable sa!!! En attendant ki dimoune la decide bouze so loto mne al porte attention lor 1 dimoune ki p bien kas pose dan la varangue s.marche la 1 bouteille dan so lamain p met so ti dialog ek so camarad tou!! Mo p gete et mo ti penser zot p share sa bouteille la…bof!!! Grande deception!! kumen mo fini penser dimoune la ouver so bouteille et to capav croire li fini li dan 1 temps record soit 8-9 seconds!!! mo res get li stupefait!! Mo croire lakaz delo aussi li pa boire so vitesse la et sa kantite la


  15. Nous pensons qu’il est assez claire de nos jours que venir a l’aide d’un inconnu en “detresse” ne se recompense pas forcement par un remerciement!!! Souvent des gens se font malmenés le temps qu’ils apportaient leurs secours aux soi-disant plaignant!! Les malfrats élaborent tant de choses pour pieger leurs proie qu’il est desormais devenu quasiment impossible de distinguer entre le blanc et le noir!! L’apparence est trompeuse…et c’est belle et bien la tournure que prend les choses actuellement. Pas besoin d’etre plus explicit car nous pensons que vous comprenez bien ce que nous voulons vous expliquer!! Nous ne pouvons démentir le fait qu’aller aux secours d’un ivrogne(soulard) peut nous rapporter en retour tout pleins d’injures ou de paroles grossieres de sa part ou meme des choses a ce que nous nous attendions meme pas comme par exemple en un clin d’oeil on peut etre entourer d’un groupe de tetes brules qui s’en veulent a nous. N’empeche dependant de la situation nous pouvons faire de sorte a rassembler un groupe d’individus dans les parages et ensuite proceder. Ou nous pensons que les gens qui sont si bien averti de leurs sens civique n’ont qu’a prendre le risque seul. Mais la meilleure option possible est de demander l’aide d’un policier dans les entourages comme il l’était dans la photo où les gens qui se sont senti aussi troublés par la peine de ce monsieur et qui etaient presents sur les lieux n’aivaient q’arreter le vehicule de la police et demander de l’aide aux policiers au lieu de dramatiser les choses!! Je pense que faire savoir aux policiers les problems a qui ils tentent de tourner le dos fait aussi parti de nos sens civique.


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