Summertime ends tomorrow + a camera

Summertime Camera

So guys and girls, this is just a reminder!

Dont forget to move back 1hour from your clocks tomorrow morning!

Summertime has finally come to an end, at least for this year!

Camera on test drive

Today, I took my colleague’s (Bernard) camera for some test drive since I will be most probably be buying it from him.

Since some time, I wanted to learn some techniques of photography, and I needed some camera to practice, one which will be right for me to learn the basics.

This evening, I went to the seaside to try some shots while playing with the aperture and shutter settings.

On my way back, I tried making some “Trailing lights ” effects.

For a first trial, I find them nice 🙂

trailing lights

Trailing lights

Trailing lights

I will definitely have to learn a lot from the internet, Bernard and Nitin 🙂

Good luck to everyone for the big change of tomorrow!

16 thoughts on “Summertime ends tomorrow + a camera

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  1. i just hope they remove the DST
    just came back from a Mobile Operator where i had to change time on servers..and this was so painful..
    and i just got a call that i might have to go back there again..


  2. Night will fall very early today…. sniff… I’ll will definitely miss the late day light..

    Yashvin… the camera must be perfectly still for night shots, please collect my tripod on Monday morning



  3. the summertime didnt really affect our daily lives, did it? we got used to it.. and why there is no fuss when moving it one hour back? 😛


  4. 3 years after, what does it looks like for being into photography and how you feel about the gears and knowledge you have accquired since then?


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