10 years of blogging

10th blogging anniversary

10 years already since I wrote the first post ever for my blog. I never imagined that the passion for blogging would still be holding a special place place in my life for so long and hopefully, for many more years to come. Throwing a party for this 10th blogging anniversary would have been a very good idea but after considering that we celebrated our engagement anniversary last month, dhanvin’s birthday + civil wedding anniversary during this week and yet, there’s the religious wedding anniversary coming for the end of October, that makes a lot of anniversaries to celebrate in a row! That’s why I wanted something different. Celebration cakes are becoming so mainstream too. So, I purchased an anniversary pizzaaaaaaaaaa along with candles! haha!

Over these 10 years, I have not only enjoyed sharing my ideas, views and experiences through my blog post but I have also built a large network of friends and acquaintances from various parts of the globe. Although it looks weird when a complete stranger waves a hand or says “hi” to share some quick words about the blog, I always find it an immense pleasure to constantly meet new people around and to know that people actually read the blog! This said, I also made some enemies on a few occasions, received (virtual) threats but this did not stop me.

The history of the blog

Some of you might probably want to learn more about the story behind the blog? If you just nodded your head, click here to head over to this page if you have some minutes.  You can also get some more details in the about section.

What has changed over the years?

While social networks such as Facebook and Twitter have pretty much changed the way people express themselves over the past years, I believe that blogs are still playing a crucial role on the internet. For example, a search on the web is more likely to list reliable web sites and blogs rather than a bunch of social network posts. Additionally,  I’m sure that you might agree that information found on social networks sometimes need to taken with a pinch of salt. However, there’s one thing for sure :

yashvinblogs.com will always provide you with invaluable information that you can  trust.

Since very few Mauritians are still blogging about their passion, adventures, travels and personal experiences, it is pretty much challenging to maintain an active Mauritian blogging community and gather everyone around a lunch. I understand that it takes lots of time and inspiration to keep a blog active too. For example, a few years back, I was able to write a new post every 3 days as compared to the monthly average of 3 articles I achieve nowadays. While comments are pretty rare nowadays, same cannot be said for Facebook message requests : they practically keep me busy during my free time! lol


What’s in for the future?

wordpress paid plans

I have been constantly procrastinating on this project :

Build all my content (personal web site, family portal and photoblog) around this blog domain before grabbing a paid (and hassle-free) wordpress.com hosting plan. However, I’m still considering this option as I will need to drop my Google Adsense adverts and move towards their WordAds program or probably remove all adverts. Also, migrating everything to a single domain and hosting will take some time, especially to allow search engines to update their links.

Thanks again!


I grab this occasion to again heartily thank everyone who contributed in some way or other to the blog and its success. I also know that there are lots of fans out there. Thank you for your support during all those years! Don’t hesitate to drop a few words on the blog or through a Facebook message / mail.

And to all those who constantly ask me “blog ki position”, “ki to prochain blog la?” or “to pu blog lo sa la?” :


Happy blogging! Cheers!

10 thoughts on “10 years of blogging

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  1. congratulations for the 10th blog anniversary, its been a long way and i sincerely wish your the best ahead. im trying to have a blog for the past 5 years i think but never had time so yeah: it does take much to actually maintain a blog. last but not least, the contents of this blog has been very versatile: pratically talking about anything, so yeah, big up for that. there has been rants, useful infos and much more, & i think this is what that makes the blog special .. i must say, i had observed the mru blogsphere for quite sometime now, for me, this has to be (if not) the best mru blog/blogger mru has had yet. so big up yashvin and keep the things coming 😉

    peace out


  2. Congrats. I share your thoughts and difficulties regarding the fact that it is not always easy to be inspired to write an article. After such a long time you tend to run out of fresh ideas. However, your blog has given me much insight as to daily life concerns in MRU society. So I look forward to continue reading your future articles. Keep on blogging man…


  3. Hello, i saw a little discussion about customs and all and for the first time im buying a phone online i woukd like to know how much will i have to pay customs plz; )


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