Mobile networks unable to provide service during crisis but promised full coverage for new year


The whole country came to a halt today.

Since early this morning, the crisis situation that the country has been going through has put the population on nerves for various reasons. One of them being the inability to use the mobile networks. In such a moment of crisis whereby people heavily rely on telecommunications means, the mobile networks have completely been out of order. As from the feedback obtained, Orange mobile network was the most affected.

Without being too sarcastic, I find it unbelievable that the most mobile networks could not handle today’s needs but instead, they invest highly into advertising and stupid features that most people ignore. Still, they are constantly publishing notices about upgrades being done. As I said in the title, they find themselves more confident when it comes to providing service during last new year’s eve.

Correct me if I’m wrong but on Radio Plus, a minister even publicly criticized live, saying that it was unacceptable that Orange provides such a service. *cough* *cough* no service and that this issue will be taken seriously.



And as usual, there’s now less rainfall and the network is back to the normal but who cares. Everyone has most probably already reached their home at this time of writing!

La vie change avec… You know the blabla.

Have a good rest everyone. No one knows if the holiday will be extended for tomorrow too.

26 thoughts on “Mobile networks unable to provide service during crisis but promised full coverage for new year

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  1. Are you afraid to say that Orange Mauritius is useless? Emtel network was FINE along with mtml. But Orange mauritius? They went home! And some regions are still with no service available.

    Just when people needed their mobile phones mostly, the stupid service died.

    Let’s wait and see what excuse they will come up with.


  2. Chez Orange, nous savons que pour ce mercredi vous avez envie de rester à lamaison.
    C’est pourquoi, pour vous faire plaisir,nous vous offrons un ” Orange sans réseaux “.

    La vie change sans réseaux . La vie change avec orange 😛 😛 😛


      1. The best way to read it, actually… :-), with that incredibly hateful non-human voice. Someday, when machines will take over, I’m convinced that it will be with THAT voice that the end of humanity will be proclaimed:

        “Humans, we have the pleasure to announce the end of your reign… The end. Thank you.”

        Alternative text, with actual pronunciation:

        Chez Eurange, nous savons que vous allez vous faire griller dans les embouteillages, parceque pluie ou pas, l’origine de votre souffrance d’aujourd’hui qui se répète identiquement à celui de Mon Goût de 2008, c’est que votre gouvernement de merde n’a rien foutu depuis des décennies en termes de législations et d’executions de travaux de drains, et qu’il a sciemment permis de bétonner partout sans s’assurer des puits d’absorptions pourtant requises par vos belles lois déja existantes mais jamais appliquées…

        Alors, pour vous enfoncer encore plus dans votre merde, parce c’est bien vous qui le votez et le maintenez en place, c’est avec un malin plaisir que l’on vous frotte le nez dedans en causant un black-out sur le réseau…

        Alors, savourez ce doux frisson de peur panique en pensant a vos proches qui ne savent comment vous contacter, ce besoin irrépressible de libérer toute la tension quasi-érotique de ne pas savoir quand vous allez retrouver vos siens. C’est Eurange qui vous le procure…

        Alors, avouez que la vie change en moins de cent jours avec Eurange…



      1. Merci missié.

        Wadir sa joke-la:

        3 engineers are travelling by taxi when all of a sudden, the car’s engine switches off and grinds to a halt in silence.

        The mechanical engineer immediately thinks about an engine problem: fuel must have been exhausted! The electrical engineer thinks about an electric problem: that car must be battery-dependent, and its battery must have worn out completely or the alternator is not charging it. The software engineer yells to the driver: “Let’s all just get off and get back in, and start again: it SHOULD reboot!”

        Nek tégn ek ré-alimé bé.

        Ayo! Ala tou IT-backgrounded people ki lir sa blog-la touy mwa: ayo!


  3. li inconcevable ki ene rezo kuma orange ki suppozement ena pli grand nombre utilisateur, dont bane dimune ki dependant, pas kave approvisionne ene service kan vraimem bizin li. pane faire zis pu faire promotion, servi internet mais aussi comme ene moyen de communication. zot lizié ine fermer ar tablette ek bane service banale alors ki zot ine blier la vraie raison kifair orange exister. decevant, degoutant et vraiment horrible service!! apres p rode domine le marché.. ale faire ….. zot!!!


  4. The hilarity of it all is that in the bloody Orange Tower, there’s no mobile connection whatsoever. Never mind 3G *rofl* Maintenant au reste du petit peuple…..


  5. What difference does it make if you have a disaster committee who is advised by the Met office about imminent torrential rain? You still have chaos on the roads with people complaining that there were no police around. Your phone network is down. People cannot call the emergency services. Many school kids had already headed off. People going to work on buses got off them, crossed the motorway and caught buses going back home. Natural disaster management…


  6. To put things in perspective, just a few days of heavy rain should not have been considered as a major catastrophe. The responsiveness of services was scary and even more their efficiency. What if we had, say, an earthquake someday, we would all have been doomed.

    Now about the wastage/drainage system, we all know they are not efficient enough, but they might have been a little more efficient maybe if people didn’t throw their garbage everywhere too :-/


  7. We are living on an island based upon non professionalism to be serious, The moment when people actually needs to make a phone call, the network is jammed, We need to realize the fact that we are living in a world of competitions, and people needs to subscribe from different network in order to know which company actually bring professionalism and positive changes in our society, I wonder how the people who actually needed to make a phone call to confirm if their family are fine felt upon the non professionalism of a network provider,

    We need to know we are living in a so called “cyber island” where there is nothing based on cyber, whether you agree or not, the minimum thing we should actually have would had been an average network connection, I wonder how much countries in the world actually download with an speed of 1 megabit? In a world of competition, Government, states and people who controls how communication actually work needs to control how the country is benefited by certain service and how much people are affected when services are downtime.

    The competitions between ISPS and Network provider should increase in order to see changes among companies.


  8. Ala zoranz ré-ré fann dal couma gagne enn nouvo catastroph:

    Okenn zouré pa assé forr pou dir saki mo’nn ressenti kan mo’nn konné ki ti éna au-moins 3 dimounn ti pé rodd gagn mo nouvel couma zot inn tann-dir mo ti dan paraz…

    Really, no one gives a shit here, NO FRIGGIN’ ONE!


      1. Wadir ou pa konné kouma ha déroulé dan Dodoland!!
        Zott-mém métté, zott-mém bla-bla ki tou korek, zott-mém fann dal, zott-mém déklar pé réparé, apré, ré-ré mém fané.
        Kouma enn ti-camwadd ti pé dir: tirr kaka métt pété.


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