Un motard de “Angel Bike” impliqué dans un accident

Vous vous rappelez surement de l’article consacré à Infozen et surtout à la façon dont des motards se prenaient pour des policiers en se mettant n’ importe où pour contrôler le trafic. Quelques mois auparavant, j’avais aussi écrit sur les motocyclistes qui roulent n’importe comment ou même sur les scooters électriques qui nécessitent aucun permis de conduire ou notion du code de la route.

Eh bien, les deux roues sont encore une fois d’actualité, mais cette fois-ci, ce sera plus spécifiquement les grosses cylindrées. Ces mêmes bêtes qui apparaissent dans votre rétroviseur et que vous perdez à vue d’œil après qu’ils passent à coté de votre véhicule, parfois à droite, ou à gauche et très souvent en zigzagant entre les files de voitures.

Impressionnant certes mais ils sont vraiment des fous, insoucieux de la sécurité ou du respect des autres usagers sur la route. A bord de leurs deux roues super puissantes, ces motards ne respectent pas du tout les limitations de vitesse, car après tout, leur motos sont faites pour la vitesse…


Hier, vous avez peut être lu le commentaire posté par Bhooks sur mon blog, que j’ai ensuite repris sur mon profil Facebook. Il a été surpris par une bonne dizaine de motards sur l’autoroute de Grand Baie vers Port Louis. Et il n’était certainement pas le seul. Quelques kilomètres plus loin, il les a encore aperçu, mais cette fois ci, un d’eux était sur le tarmac après avoir percuté un couple sur leur moto. Aujourd’hui, un quotidien a publié les faits suivants :

  • Ils étaient environ 25 motos de l’association « Angel Bike».
  • Le motard, un certain Dany Seechurn âgé de 27ans, a eu la jambe fracturé.

A qui la faute? La police poursuit son enquête mais l’essentiel dans cette histoire c’est qu’il aurait pu y avoir mort d’homme et un jour ou l’autre, ces maladroits vont finir par tuer quelqu’un.

Jusqu’ici, les autorités n’ont jamais sévi pour arrêter ou prendre ces motards en flagrant excès de vitesse parce que très probablement, ils ne sont pas à la hauteur, ni de les rattraper ni d’avoir leur petites plaques d’immatriculation dans le viseur des cameras.


Yashvin, pages of my life

25 thoughts on “Un motard de “Angel Bike” impliqué dans un accident

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  1. mo pense bien ki bsin intensifier nivo ban test pu licence moto. ena 1 claire manque de controlle de vitesse de la part de ban motocyclistes ek au lieu culpabilise banla, 1 le doigt bisin pointe vers ban institut securite routiere.


  2. Zot faire gran noir lor simE, aprE zot mort kuma LISIEN!!!
    1ta foi mo mankE tap ar moto dan lotoroute…
    si mo separ 1 trou ki dan mo lane mem,
    sa ban gran malin moto cycliste la p roule akoT moi dan mo lane mem…
    zot pay declaration pu zot masine, alor zot bizin pran 1 lane net.. pa partazE sa…
    roule kot a kot ar lezot masine…

    li pa drole si kitzour zt tan mne trap 1 motocycliste mne baT lor simE, soi 1 motocycliste in mort ar mo loto.. 😉

    lol 😉


    1. So much hate against motorcyclists in this comment! You however mentioned a very important point that motorcyclists are entitled to and must use a full lane. If all the drivers understand this, many motorcyclists lives could have been saved. It is common culture for Mauritian drivers (cars, buses, lorries,..) to overtake motorcycles at fast speed within the same lane. If the motorcyclists is riding slower than the rest of the traffic, drivers start honking, intimidating and even insulting the rider so that the later gets out of their way. I experience this bullying everyday on my way to work! Motorcycles have only two wheels, and anything that can make them lose their balance can be fatal. Motorcycles have to stay alert and may need to swerve rapidly (some confuse this life-saving manoeuver as “zigzagging unncessarily?”) to avoid potholes, road markings, manholes, gravel, dirt, animals (dead or alive), and also sugarcane! So drivers, get out of the lane while overtaking motorcycles!

      See this article to see the consequences of wrongly overtaking a motorcycle : http://www.lexpress.mu/node/245324



  3. Ena motards roule comment dire zot dan 1 gro camion. having a fake imagination que si to tap r banla, toi ki pou mort. Enfin, even the law is quite rubbish in Mauritius.

    @Yashvin–> Sel raison kifer la police pa prnd banla en pursuit c acoz zot pa kpv. 😀


  4. I would LOVE to handle this kind of superbike!


    In other countries, motorists’ clubs appeal to the nobler motive: respect the law, other road users, and by virtue of these firm intentions and strong campaigning in favour of these, ahem, virtues, they can have non-negligible weight in implementing safety measures, or removing nonsensical new regulations (a bit like our notorious number plates…), but here…

    These “clubs” are brainless: they were gathered on the parking lot of Jumbo Phoenix on last Sunday (maybe just before the accident), and I had the chance of showing the “music” of their roaring engines to my daughter. And had the mischance of seeing them exit the parking: at breakneck speed, with no regard for slowing down neither when getting through the pyramidal humps, nor near the pedestrian crossings.

    At other places, they never pay attention to road furniture at all: road signs, traffic signs (amber/yellow means “slow down and stop”, for goodness’ sake!!), continuous white lines, right/left hand side of the road, parking near corners, etc…

    Yes, they pay road taxes like others, but if they don’t show any form of respect to other road users, no, they do not deserve any form of respect from us. Some may think that they deserve a painful death. My arm up this club’s parts where-the-sun-don’t-shine!


  5. Areport on the accident.

    Ala enn lott POLICIER ki pa koné ki vé-dire pedestrian crossing!

    Ek sann-la: mo bien content enn ki pé break the glass-ceiling – pé faire enn pose spectaculairement acrobatique MAIS sans helmet…


  6. d’abord beaucoup sa ban dimoune ki role motard kouma ‘angel bike’etc… zot fer extra gran noir lo simer. 1 fois mo pren position pu traverser kot crossier, tou masine fine areter pu laisse moi traverser 1 kouyonade lor so motar li overtake masine kine areter li travers crossier li wadirer simer la pu li sa. e meme certain policier ki roule motar zot fer gran noire.


  7. I once said it. I’ve a solution to all the problems in Mauritius. :p A quick fix.

    Align them and execute them. :p


  8. @slayer:

    “The pedestrian crossing is on the road but does not form part of the road, it is merely a continuation of the raodside footpath, this is why pedestrians have absolute priority on them”

    C’est mo moniterr auto-école ki ti pé martéle ça dans mo crane, depi coummencement ziska la fin!


  9. Luckily these bikes are quite pricey I guess. Else if just anyone could buy them, imagine thousands of motorcyclists riding them around you when you’re driving XD

    I’ve heard someone doing Grandbay – Airport in like 20mins (or less) on such a bike. Judging by how they fast they ride, I think its totally possible. Once I was myself driving at 140km/hr, 6 of these passed me by and disappeared in a few seconds.

    Riding at 200km/hr is simply playing with your life (and others’ lives also), no matter how cautious you are. Some years back someone on a Suzuki Hayabusa I think had a terrible accident at Nouvelle-France round-about. The motorcyclist was left literally decapitated it seems.

    To be knowingly risking your life is already stupid but equally totally wrong to endanger other people’s lives (like the couple they hit) by your action.

    Once a salesman from a shop selling these super bikes jokingly said “kan asté sa motocyclete la gagne ene cerceuille en cado” lol…He might not be too wrong after all..


  10. moi mo dire faudais pas mete tout motard dans meme panier.
    pareil kouma mette tou chauffeur dans meme panier.
    zot pu daccord avec moi ki ena ban chauffeur ki roule ene kouyonade net…


    1. @yurit0s : mo ti p attane toi comment 🙂

      bien sur, fodait pas met tout dans 1 sel panier, mais eski c pas ene
      realiter seki mone dir laO? eski zotte vraiement respecter limitation
      vitesses? sincerement?


      1. lol. think i’m the only biker here.
        bon coter limitation vitesse moi mo respecter. xD

        mais ene zaffaire faudais pas oublier these bike are not like ordinary bikes. not even like the policeman bikes. most of these bikes are sport bikes. in car category they would fit in the Aston Martin, Porsche, Ferrari etc.

        quand to accelerate, ena dans moteur la.
        aster pas veut dire quand machine la puissant ki bizin pran la route pou ene race trackno respect du code de la route.

        sincerement pu reply a to question, ena pas respecter limitation vitesse. ki faire ???
        ca mo pas capave reply. bizin demande zot meme ca. 🙂

        ene lot point c’est ki la loi moris bien pas bon.
        ene dimoune ki ena 18 ans capave passe so permis lor ene moto plis ki 50cc. disons ene ti motocyclette 70cc. et avec ca meme permis ki li in passer la li capave monte moto ki li envi. 125cc, 250cc 500cc 600cc 1000cc 1300cc etc etc

        mais guette pou loto, avec permis loto, pas capve condire, camion, ni bis, ni gros van plis ki 2.5tones.

        ti bizin ena ene lot categoris test pareil kouma les autres pays.


    2. “bon coter limitation vitesse moi mo respecter.” Laisse moi félicite ou pou ça!
      Mais eski ou respecter bann la-ligne / road furniture / lezott reglements pareillement?
      Yashvin so photo ena “matter for prosecution la-dans”: touldé motards pé roule dans coté droite (continuous white line = overtaking strictly forbidden). Zot ti capav doubler kot ena dashed white line dans zott coté  avant hump-la, mais plis pire: zott pé faire li quand lane opposé-la occupé (Yashvin pé tire photo dépi dans so loto, I presume?).
      Le fait ki zott pé doubler bis-la (Mo pas cwar lik en panne malgré so grille radiateur ouvert, parski Nissan March-la trop près divant li) alorss ki ena plein l’espace entre bis-la ek la-ligne montrer zott vantardise: mo slalomer / danser couma mo gagner, pas pou arrive nargnié…
      Nice attitude that will end with their blood on the asphalt some day…

      “ti bizin ena ene lot categoris test”: Very true!!
      Pareil pou tou vehicule mo dire: ou pas capave faire enn kikenn passe enn permis dans enn Kancil Perodua 700cc 1.5m width 2m long, ek lendimé li prend volant enn kat-katt Toyota Land Cruiser V8 2.8m width 5m long: soit li pou blok traffic dans pé essaye mett parking, soit li pou touye limem/kikenn… Permis “new driver” ti bizin implementer, ek bizin aboli lifelong licence.

      Mais bon…


      1. Though a picture is worth a thousand words, this photograph does not give an indication of the speed these motorcycles are passing those vehicles. If the vehicles are stationary or moving very slow and the motorcycles are filtering ahead at slow/safe speed (30kmph or less), then i don’t really see an issue here. Given the size of the motorcycles, they can’t hinder these vehicles nor obstruct the oncoming traffic. A sentence popular among riders is that “You are not stuck in traffic. YOU are traffic! Get a bike and break free” :). Lane filtering is a win-win situation if done safely.


      2. “Lane filtering is a win-win situation if done safely”

        Yes: both for the coffing-maker and the rider (he dies earlier and makes the planet a safer place).

        Just bear with it: Lane splitting/filtering is never safe.

        I hope you read this real story very carefully: because it shows you that there is a reason why the laws have to be respected at all times, and of the very severe consequences of taking convenient shortcuts… And this is the kind of stories that will haunt all those who have a conscience.


      3. So much hate in your comments. Don’t wish bad for others. And please do not confuse lane filtering with lane splitting. Read my reply to your other comment on http://www.yashvinblogs.com/driving-wisely-through-traffic-jams/#comment-1541262549. Riding at slow ‘bicycle speed’, and stopping when its not visible/safe ahead is the key.

        In some countries, filtering is not allowed for “Learner” riders who often have difficulties with slow speed maneuvers. (Riding slow, without putting the foot down can be a real challenge for some).

        Nevertheless, I thank you for sharing this real story with everyone. “Il va assez vite, pour rester le moins longtemps possible à contre sens” says it all. This indeed is a bad and sad example of how NOT TO filter through stationary or slow traffic. Thank you!


      4. Hate? Where??

        Read this too then: http://www.lematinal.com/faits-divers/4769-un-mort-et-deux-blesses-en-moins-de-24-h.html
        “Le jeune homme (…) qui circulait à motocyclette tentait de doubler
        une voiture quand il s’est heurté à l’arrière du véhicule. Le jeune
        homme a perdu l’équilibre et a chuté lourdement. Un camion qui venait en
        sens inverse n’a rien pu faire pour éviter le motocycliste.”

        The post was to make the readers aware of the danger and risk associated with poor driving, especially the two-wheelers who need to expose their blatant ignorance regulations, let alone basic safety rules. And you still try to justify them. This is why your pseudo ‘win-win’ situation is all the more macabre in outcome.

        Your time will come, sooner than you think.

        PS: I ride motorcycles too. But not like 99% of you suicidal two-wheelers here who take offence at the mere suggestion that they could improve by learning from others (tragic) mistakes and not repeating them.


  11. authority pa meme conner kietE sa ene Angel biker!! maybe if u post it on your blog they will have a much better idea who they r n what they do !!


  12. After reading all these comments its normal to say we locals are really living in a nut shell for those who doesn’t understand ‘1 bocal’ even the grey matter reflects the attitudes : The question : is speeding limited to Mauritius? for those who have access to worldwide medias like youtube or canal+ will have the answers others keep watching the local series… If one stop big bikes in Mauritius it should be the same for our cars, lorries, why buy 1.4/ 1.6/ 2+ cc, a 1.2 nissan March should be enough and for bigger family an Isuzu tempo should be ok lol. Well I think its time for the local authorities + some private companies in the automobile sector start thinking in investing in proper private race tracks, this will give the country a big plus for the country worldwide status, same as our Golf tracks tell me how many people got enough balls to play our local golf tracks, not even 5% of the population but still Mauritius is rank among the best golf destinations Worldwide (still for those who just keep watching the local series won’t understand what am talking about, because they are happy in their world). Now imagine the number of car/ bike users in Mauritius, at-least this will bring some kind of leisure with creative parks for children, but no one seems interested about these, only critics….am mauritian I can’t even say shame on us….


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