Defensive driving

In short, Defensive driving consists of thinking about the worst thing that might happen due to drivers’ mistakes or any other unpredictable situations and how you can deal with it appropriately to reduce any risks involved.

Good drivers make errors too, human errs but there are still loads of careless drivers on our roads :

  • A car suddenly turning to its right or stopping without giving any signal
  • Crashing into a vehicle because signal lights were not working properly
  • Door of a stationed car opening suddenly
  • A stupid driver fails to comply with rules
  • Loads of more examples, don’t hesitate to add them in the comments’ section!

Above are some of the situations in which the consequences can be reduced or even avoided, perhaps saving life. A few general good practices :

  • Keep your intentions clear while driving.
  • Always slow down at pedestrian crossings.
  • Be alert, do not panic and fasten your seat belt.
  • Avoid (or be very cautious while) driving behind cycles and motorcycles.
  • Be visible on the road by using the appropriate lights, turning your headlights when necessary.
  • Watch ahead for oncoming traffic and keep an eye on your mirrors for any vehicles around you

Lastly, in the event of an accident, try to limit damage to you, your passengers and your vehicle. There are many ways how you can do that depending on the situations. Anticipating these scenarios can keep you alive and away from small hassles with insurance companies and hospitals!

Can you share other examples and how drivers can try to avoid them?

Do not hesitate to correct me if I wrote anything wrong above. Thnks.

19 thoughts on “Defensive driving

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  1. Un peu de courtoisie en chemin ne coute rien… ^^

    Let’s say for example you are being overtaken by another vehicle… Do not speed up… 😛 Just slow down so that the other vehicle can pass… The same applies to motorcycles when they are being overtaken by other cars… 😀

    And one more thing… never completely depend on the passenger sitting by ur side when trying to exit from a side road… He will try to help you out signalling whether or not it’s OK on the left side… before you proceed just have a look urself and when you are sure u can take out ur car only then you move on (Just experienced this one recently)

    BTW… what is the meaning of the last picture with the guy sleeping on the road in front of the white car?


    1. @Pramod : That guy is me hahaaaaa. Just for illustration purposes lol.
      Also, I do not completely agree on what you said about slowing down to let other vehicle pass. If you are driving at the speed limit, 60km/hr and some guy wants to overtake you, he does so at his own risk. There’s nothing like “courtoisie” in this. Of course, there might be exceptions.
      Thanks for your comment 🙂


  2. Not only at his own risk… but ur car as well… what if he has to get back to the left just in front of you… at least you will have the time to apply the brakes 😉 Hence saving ur beautiful car ^^


  3. Too many come to my mind…

    First, to check the general status of your own vehicle before you set off. Those are paid to drive should have the guts to tell their employer that a defective piece of equipment (flashers, brakes, fire extinguisher, whatever) may be used against him – by police or insurance – in case of an accident.

    Maybe the most useful, but most difficult as well:
    ALWAYS obey speed limits.

    Why? This will give you enough time to think about your next action:
    – should I brake when I see trffic lights being green for a bit too long and I know damn well in the back of my mind that it’s going to go on amber (yellow or orange now) at my turn?
    – should I brake when I see small children attempting to cross the cross-here?
    – should I slow down more at the nearing roundabout to let the vehicle coming from the right to pass comfortably and avert it from slamming on its brakes?
    – should I stick to the ass of the heavy vehicle preceding me when its stop lights are clearly not working?
    – should I “foncer” when I see a bébéte (loto tuning grimace / taxi / van-15-places / biss sé-ênn-té,ioubièss) coming from the opposite direction attempting to overtake a stationary vehicle on the other lane but clearly not enough passing distance for him/her?

    You can go on like this, it may never end this list…

    Just remember always that if you drive aggressively (opposite of defensive), you may not come back home to your loved ones…

    Mo konné, wadir la fin mo comment pé faire morale, mais oblizé, parski mo bien konné personne pas content ça! 🙂 Hihihi!


  4. Ref. FB comment – non, mo moniteur auto-ecole ti montrer bien banne premier steps defensive driving. apres, kan to rouler si to respecter code, to pou reste prudent. – chose ki beaucoup pas fer.

    Aussi dans ancien (mo pas conne nouveau) livre learner mentioner tous sa.


  5. @Pramod : That’s called an irresponsible driver. Believe me, some drivers do know how to deal with them 😉

    @Armand : Well, that’s clearly a lack of “courtoisie” on behalf of that driver. A “L” plate usually calms down a large majority of the drivers.

    @Ashfaq : Which concept are you talking abt? Lol

    @Yasir : C mwa kine dormi enbas n apres nu fine tire foto 😛
    BTW, DO NOT TRY! Lol

    @Torpedo : That’s a great comment from you, thanks a lot! Yeah, u mentioned loads of points which clearly raises situations that drivers need to take a decision, quick and without any damage!

    @Fadil : Defensive driving, c predire ki cpv arriver lo la route akoz kikene autour toi cpv faire ene erreur. Lorsque to p rouler lo simin, to bisin tout le temps concentrer et calculer ki cpv arriver, par exemple, to cpv p doubler ene loto, ene koup li decide pu doubler li si, sans signal.

    Bane chauffeurs bisin bien observe zotte la route et comportement bane chauffeurs autour li 🙂


    Sorry for the shout but I was really astonished on how close drivers stay behind other cars. In the country I reside, it is a fundamental rule to driving. It is important because it gives you time to react in abnormal events. Of course it will not save you in all scenarios but will surely keep you safe in most.


  7. @ Faisal:
    100% dakor ar ou, mo bourzwa! Mo’nn blié hann-la nett.

    @ Bernardo:
    99% dakor ar ou: I must retain one fundametal right. That of swearing if you voluntarily and maliciously encroach on my priority at the sake of your own safety.


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