Better days for petroleum products?

Since early this morning, Radio Plus has been announcing that the head of the State Trading Corporation (Mr Somarooa) will be no more participating in the montly price update of Petroleum products. This task will be now be supervised by the Acting deputy director of the Central Statistics Office and other members of the STC. The contract of Mr Somarooa ends today and will henceforth be renewed on a monthly basis.

Another good news is that the contract with the supplier Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd (MRPL) will end next month. This 3 year contract is finally coming to an end!

Mauritius is already looking for other potential suppliers and hopefully, we will be having more competitive and lower prices as compared to the last months .

All of these sounds good, what do you think?

Source of image :

13 thoughts on “Better days for petroleum products?

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  1. avec ca dernier hedging ki in faire pu ellection, pena baisser.

    dire moi zot meme. alors election p coster boug la trouve pu pran decision par li meme faire commande ene lot tanker comme reserve.


  2. pa p tro suivre l’actualiT since sum time..mais ena 2 pas tro knE si problem lor euro zone pu affecT prix petroleum..if it does..lerla kpv ena baiC..

    mais ene mem de huile kine perdi dans la mer oci pu jouE ene gran role.. :-\ juz guessing


  3. Si mo pa tromper , its not the person who decides the price , but a well established formula(parameters). Hence , who ever be replaced , the trend will be the same.

    If not. If improved , then the person replace must have been doing some wrong calculations , hence should be jailed. 🙂


  4. La question – eski ti ena better deals? eski zote roder mem better deals? Pas tetus sa banne dimounes la, mais banne dimounes sans comprend! Comme sa mem apel sa en Creole. Pffrrr..


  5. au fait, c nou la population ki bane “sans comprend”…c nou ki fauder pa essaye comprend comment sa APM la marcher!!!!!


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