Their fear to witness a decrease in hindus

After much hesitation to post an article on this topic, here I go :

After the disturbance caused by certain people in a ceremony held inTriolet by a community of people commonly known referred as “Mission” in creole, a similar one was on the verge of taking place in Bambous a few days ago. Fortunately, the authorities were already present to discourage anyone from going beyond their limits.

Since then, a few hindu associations have been protesting and requesting an anti-conversion law to discourage people to change religion. They are also claiming that these people are forcing people from other religious beliefs to join them. On the other hand, the other community denies all these allegations.

What do you feel about these incidents? How should the Mauritian population react? How will the authorities deal with this?

Feel free to express yourself on this topic…


  • Comments will be strictly moderated. Anonymous, vulgar and inadmissible wordings will not be approved.
  • As far as possible, I will remain totally neutral…

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123 thoughts on “Their fear to witness a decrease in hindus

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  1. hello…i fink we should have that anti conversion law in mauritius..we should accept the religion into which we had born..whether is good or bad..


  2. Lol … waste of time Juste enn ti groupe isole ki pe faire tapaz. Sa ban kalite mentalite la nepli pren compte moris aster ca 🙂 Btw there will be less and less religious people as Mauritius becomes more “developed” so there will be less Hindus, just like there will be less Muslims and Christians 🙂


  3. ROFL. . 1 lepok ti pe gagne sa kot moi lakaze. . 2 3 dimoune vini. .ek coser join this religion acoz god la dan, etc. .zot in aret vini depuis mo ti menace banla. xD


  4. I will be the first to speak as I am an ex-hindu, Tamil exactly converted to Christianity
    I am free to take my own decision. If I want to convert to whatever religion that’s my choice. I don’t want anyone to come and tell me that I need to stay in my religion.
    Am I so stupid that other people need to make choices for me?

    For your information I came to Christianity when I was 18 years old and I knew what I was doing. No one force me or give me money or whatever to convert.


  5. People should have the right to change their religious beliefs. Putting in place an anti conversion law is just bullshit :o)

    “The forcing people to change their beliefs” part is rather disturbing.. what do you mean by that yashvin?


  6. By Yashvin : No valid name or email address given… Comment not displayed, though it was very interesting… a waste, unfortunately 😦


  7. Religion is a personal thing and people should be free to choose their belief. It’s quite controversial to actually force people into other religion OR ban them from moving to other ones. In this sense, for these dictators are simply taking others belief into their hands by going AGAINST their own religion.

    The other thing is no one can really force you to believe what you do not want to. They can force you to perform rituals, force you to change (or keep) a certain type of names etc. but they cannot even read what is in your heart. In the same way, someone may act religious but who knows whether he is genuine or fooling people.


  8. i’ll like to add, some people raise these kind of points because frankly they have nothing else to do.

    whats really the purpose of hindu associations?? Are they here to monitor the number of hindu in the country?

    @axon: What do you mean by good or bad? are you infering that there is a good religion and a bad one??
    whatever religion you believe in should be of your choice not something impose on you by birth.

    @Tushal: i find your attitude rather rude, menace banla?? mate you have the right to refuse audience to them, there should be no need for menace!


  9. I believe the current demographic status of Mu should be preserved for our own politico-socio and financial stability. Mauritius is by far the most politically stable country in the African continent. Toppling this balance might lead to many unforeseen effects. Mauritius has been independent since 1968 and apart from a few hitches, our society has not witnessed many upsets. Hinduism is extremely tolerant towards other religions. Hinduism is the world’s oldest religion and anyone born in this religion should be proud. Of course, if you follow corrupt priests and follow their words blindly, you will eventually lose the essence of what true Hinduism is.


  10. While its true that anyone can change his religion as he wishes to, I think its the most stupid thing someone can ever do. Either you believe in god (the religion you are born in) or not (atheist). Leaving one religion for another is an insult for both religions. It only demonstrates how weak a person is.


  11. A quote from George Carlin::”Religion has actually convinced people that there’s an invisible man, living in the sky, who watches everything you do every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of 10 things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these 10 things, he has a special place full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish where he will send *you* to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever til the end of time…but he loves you.”


  12. Engaging topic congrats. It would be impossible for MU government to adopt an anti-conversion law as this would run against Article 18 of the UN Universal Human Rights Declaration which Mauritius has adopted. The article states:
    Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
    The argument for an anti-conversion law on the grounds that there are forced or coerced conversions is therefore rubbish. If indeed there is intimidation or forced conversion then there are laws to protect victims.
    Strange that certain religious denominations should feel threatened by possible conversions. Maybe this is a sign that they are not providing the spiritual sustenance that their devotees are thirsting for and thus are looking elsewhere. Either way, in a free society you will always have a certain amount of people changing religion, it is quite common and nothing alarming. I do not understand why the particular association is pushing the panic button unless they have some other motivation?


  13. Hi everybody.

    A religion is a way of living, beliefs in some traditions and beliefs in some values. Most religions achieve to make people’s lives better.

    And God in all this? Each religion makes people closer to God, or that divine force, that we may call God.

    Religion is private, and is according to one’s beliefs. Everybody should be free, in my opinion, to believe in a religion, to change religion and to experience as many religions as he/she wants. Because at the end of the day, one will find one religion that suits his/her personal beliefs. If not, he/she will create a new one.

    Hindus are majority, according to census. What if that is no more? Well, because Mauritius is Mauritius, and Mauritius is a country where change is not well seen, and where power (political and religious) doesn’t like change, there comes a problem. In the past, many countries have witnessed the change in religious beliefs of their people. This is not new.

    One should also understand that we need to respect the religion of others. So we can’t just say “there’s only one true religion.” That’s totally unfair. If one has super-faith his/her religion, others have same great super-faith in theirs too. And we need to respect this.

    Converting people? This should be according to one’s own will. We can’t force people to do so. Nor can we take advantage of one’s moment of despair to present “advantages” of “one God in one religion.”

    Though we have many religions, each teach more or less the same principles of life and more or less the same values. Of course, the way differs. But ultimately, the final goal of each religion is the same. So respect to all the people of the earth.



  14. Very interesting topic 🙂

    Well, am a hindu (proud to be) married to a Christian (proud to be). We had both weddings and there has never been an issue about whether I should convert or should he?

    You see it all depends on you. Though firm Hindus my parents always went to Père Laval and churches. At home we fast on Tuesdays etc…So I felt no need to convert nor did Michel ever wish for me to. Now that am married I still fast on Tuesdays and Michel (my husband) accompanies me everywhere i wish to go for prayers.


    @ Tushal: “menace zot” yeah, i believe you coz I have parents who converted to ‘mission’ (as we call them) and they can be real pain at times…
    but i’ve put it very clearly that I have no whatever intention of changing who I am.

    I am very proud of my origins and I believe everyone should be proud of what he has as origins…of course, you also have the right to change if you feel like, but make sure it’s what YOU want not the influence of others…

    I now have a 6months old daughter and she will be baptised and will do hindi at school. Is she a hindu or a Catholic??? She’s the fruit of love and love has no religion 🙂

    She is both I like to say. Hindu/Christian. She will live with both cultures and take the best out of each…Hinduism and Christianism…for she is a Mauritian first of all 🙂


  15. I strongly believe that door to door religious peddling should be outlawed. Why do is door to door salesmanship required to spread the “word of god”?? Is it because they want to boost their flock?

    I have personally witnessed a Jehovah missionary trying his best to persuade a cancer stricken patient to join their group in order to gain salvation. And this occured at the hospital. I would really like to know who finances this organisation and where do all their money go.


  16. I never understand how you can force someone to change his/her religion!! do they put a knife to your throat? do they kidnap you and brainwash you? do they threaten you and your family?
    please shed some light on this forced conversion


  17. I believe the root of all this evil is POWER and MONEY. The Government should have strict control on all the money that goes to any socio-cultural organisation. After all, the Mauritian Rupee is the property of the Mauritian Government. All socio-cultural organisations should be thoroughly audited, if possible many times in a year, and they should produce monthly reports as to how they are spending that money.


  18. Lots to debate on this, and as usual Mr the one & only keshav jokhun is very just to say a few words..

    hmm…we r in a democracy..pple shuld b allow to convert.. moreover religion is ascribed, not achieved..the law shuld b made to empower pple, to give the the chance to decide for THEIR life.. pple r mature enuf to decide abt this issue.. bne ‘dimoune’ la ena kout exagerer.. enta fois zot vin devan la port dire converti zot pou gne sa, zot pou gne lot..bon dieu ici, apart nou religion tou foss..bla..bla..n all these… mem ki enta fois mo papa maltraite banla, shameless pple cme again n agin..

    To be neutral, i wuld say, no anti-conversion law shuld b introduced.. bt bt bt!!!!!!! sa bne dimoune la bizin aret vin devan la port dimoune pou essaye convincre ou ‘couyone’ bne malin (moricien).
    Si bne malin (as i refer to mauritians again..) envi converti, zey shuld b free.. bt there shuld b no kind on inteference, n surtou pa pressure..
    so..bref.. si sa bne dimoune la arret vin devan la port dimoune pou influence dimoune, i think pa bizin aukun anti-c0onversion law.. bne malin pou fer cki zot feel right.. 😉


  19. The following is an extract from the October 1967 edition of the Watchtower which is the propaganda vehicle of the Jehovah witness:

    Following Faithful Shepherds with Life in View”, The Watchtower, October 1, 1967, page 591, “Make haste to identify the visible theocratic organization of God that represents his king, Jesus Christ. It is essential for life. Doing so, be complete in accepting its every aspect … in submitting to Jehovah’s visible theocratic organization, we must be in full and complete agreement with every feature of its apostolic procedure and requirements.”

    In essence, this organisation is demanding its flock to follow god’s visible theocratic organisation on Earth, the JEHOVAH WITNESS. Pay attention to the wordings: “king”,”submitting”, “full and complete agreement”

    Do you really believe this organisation allows its congregation to freely think for themselves?


  20. Anti-conversion law? This is absurd. People should be free to choose. Nobody has the right to impose a religion on others. What kind of short-mindedness is being shown in this country! I wish people would believe they are Mauritians above all.


  21. @Maverick: In Europe, there have been several investigations into the organisation of Jeovah Witness after several complaints from ex-members. In France and Belgium they are classified as sects by parliamentary committees. There is a very good investigation by the RTBF (francophone TV in Belgium) on the subject which looks at the loss of freedoms of members. The videos are on YouTube (7 parts in French):
    Le Monde Parfait de Jehovah

    MU authorities have a very relaxed and free attitude especially towards various external religious influences that visit the country to give teachings and conferences. Quite a few of the ones that are now resident and in operation here have either been classified in Europe as a sect or at least with suspicion of having sectarian aspects. Having said that there is a fine line between freedom of religion and imposing restrictions in order to protect potential victims.

    Continuing on the theme of anti-conversion law, as mentioned above it is against the UN human rights declaration which MU has adopted. You can imagine that even if MU government was to initiate such a law it would bring outrage on the international political scene. This in turn would bring down sanctions on the country. One such sanction would immediately come from the EU because every EU-Mauritius agreement has a human rights clause. This means that if the country no longer respects human rights, development grants and cooperation worth millions of Euros can be frozen. It would be political suicide for this country in many aspects of the economy. With all this it is unlikely that the authorities can take any restrictive action other than that provided for in law for the control of crowd gatherings.

    Which still leaves other questions regarding the association making complaints, just what is it that they are afraid of and why?


  22. Hey hey!!!hpe ur fine…i saw ur link on msn so i thought about reading it..its a kinda sensitive mater in mauritius,with what ur saying and the comments of the media(i think in defi). Honestly im hindu and i respect my religion. But im also a very open girl. What ur saying in the blog,i partly agree with it,indeed there has been people who force or make us believe that this religion is beter.but the reason why people change their religion is that they lack faith in their current religion. Hindus are known to lose faith very easily from their religion and as soon as someone shows up and convince them that miracles can happen when ur convert into this religion then they easily believe in it! I have faith in my religion..i will never chnge my religion. But that doesnt meqn that im gona downgrde those who do it.they have their reasons and maybe impotant reasons. But also its a pretty sad fact that people refuse to agree that their true religion can be worthwhile too. And apart from not considering religion maters, we are all human guys..lets just live up to it. If u think that ur extraordinary or making the world a beter place to live,well tht will be just in ur mind. (think i went out of subject)..bon anyways..bubyeeee:)


  23. Religion is a personal belief thingy. Law has nothing to do with it.
    If the law messes with it, Rules of democracy will be clearly violated.

    There is only ONE God and all religions came from him.
    Religions were brought to earth depending on the maturity of people.

    How could you explain cavemen not to open anonymous emails???
    It was just not suitable to tell them at that time. It is more important to teach them how to find food

    As mankind became more mature, new laws could be introduced to them according to their intelligence.

    Therefore, God constantly sends down messengers (Prophets) to guide mankind.

    Krishna, Jesus, Moses, Boudha,Noah, Mohammed(saw) are messengers of God. Some of you accept some while other reject some. You need to accept all and believe in them.

    Another example:
    Could Microsoft release windows 7 when Pentium 1 was developed?
    But when dual cores have been developed, Microsft released windows 7 and everyone upgraded their OS.


    With every day that passes, danger grows that the rising fires of religious prejudice will ignite a worldwide conflagration the consequences of which are unthinkable. Such a danger civil government, unaided, cannot overcome. Nor should we delude ourselves that appeals for mutual tolerance can alone hope to extinguish animosities that claim to possess Divine sanction. The crisis calls on religious leadership for a break with the past as decisive as those that opened the way for society to address equally corrosive prejudices of race, gender and nation. Whatever justification exists for exercising influence in matters of conscience lies in serving the well-being of humankind. At this greatest turning point in the history of civilization, the demands of such service could not be more clear. ‘The well-being of mankind, its peace and security, are unattainable’, Bahá’u’lláh urges, ‘unless and until its unity is firmly established.'”



  25. Religion is one
    “… the time has come when religious leadership must face honestly andwithout further evasion the implications of the truth that God is one and that,beyond all diversity of cultural expression and human interpretation, religion is likewise one.”

    –Universal House of Justice


  26. Religion is a man-made invention, they are all the same, but still an ‘anti-conversion’ law?? That’s just BS, adults have the right to make their own decisions, this is a democracy, imposing a religion on others is less likely to make them adopt it.


  27. Eh bein…! Si tout dimoun ti aussi bien-élvé ki tou bann commentateurs ici-présents, bein, pas ti pou ena bann cinéma kouma nou pé gagner are Missier Ajeet Gopal. Missier Gopal, ou ek ou bann compères sectaires couma Krit Manohur, Cehl Meeah, Faisal Boodhoo, Devarajen Kanaksabee, Mario Flore, Père Grégoire, ek sipaki leaders de secte (Hare Krishna, mormons, pentecotiste, ministry of light, CMIT, sipaki enkor, ki, soyons francs, nek la pou courtise and/or exploite dimoune ki temporairement retrouve zott dans enn grand detresse kot zott proche pas ti la pou soutenir zott) quand ou pas envie merge into the mainstream, when don’t think that the mainstream is for you, then go away. Comme nou leader vénéré et vénérable du Party Malin dirrr, lev paké allé! Alle kott ou envie, L’Inde, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Salk Lake City etc, mais pas vinn polluer nou la-vie, pas vinn manz nou la paix ki déjà assez contaminé par embouteillage, corruption, etc, etc… Alors, vous, Dodolandais, continuer propage l’amour de ou prochain et ress loin ar bann diviseurs, c’est sel recette pour la paix intérieure et sociale. Amen. Om shaanti. Aham doul’illah!

    Last but no least: fauder faire missier Gopal comprend ki hindouisme c’est enn philosophie, pas enn religion (eski ou capave “converti” enn non-Hindou en Hindou?). Alors, si ou pas comprend ça, ki ou pé faire tapaz, mon cher? Arett insulter ou prop intelligence (si ou éna…)

    NB: pou saki comprend ki tou sa tam-tam la li bien risible, enn ti-dialog dépoi Guignols de l’Info: PPDA termine enn l’emission en disant: “Jusqu’à preuve du contraire, Dieu n’est qu’une hypothèse. Vous regardez trop la télévision: A-tchao bon Dimanche!”


  28. i think Torpedo has a point here:

    “eski ou capave “converti” enn non-Hindou en Hindou?”

    there is no way in converting non-hindus to hindus…maybe because we are the most tolerant ones…

    OR funny thing is that in this case everyone is born Hindu until they convert by baptism or anything else…lol!!!

    so many hindus convert yet you don’t see Hindus knocking on people’s door preaching hinduism and trying to convert them…pff!!! Hinduism is far more than a religious point of view…it’s too profound that most hindus don’t even understand the core of it (even i still have a lot to learn and understand)…

    Politicians and especially our dear “leader” uses this to DIVIDE AND RULE…bref won’t go out of subject…


  29. i believe religious instruction is a good thing. But I have always believed religion or at least spirituality to be a personal thing and something that you willingly engage in, once you are old enough to know what you are doing (which may vary – selon la maturite de la personne) – An anti-conversion law, to me, seems highly repressive as no one has the right to make me believe or not in something or to prevent me from expressing my beliefs in whichever way I want. Whether I change religion or not should not concern the whole society but it is true it might have an impact upon our immediate family – and should be discussed with them! Rather than running with pitchforks after someone out of fear of “faith-drain”, I would suggest to those for this law to learn to live with differences and learn to live your faith fully. Qu’on regarde vers soi-meme avant d’envoyer la premiere pierre. My thoughts 🙂


  30. @TORPEDO
    “sipaki leaders de secte (Hare Krishna, mormons, pentecotiste, ministry of light, CMIT, sipaki enkor, ki, soyons francs, nek la pou courtise and/or exploite dimoune ki temporairement retrouve zott dans enn grand detresse”

    Avc tout le respect ke j vous doit…Mais pou dire ki tou sa bane sectes la zot la pou exploite dimoune sipaki, li comment plus insenser ki mone lire..Dimoune la couyon li,li pena lesprit ki nerporte ki secte vini kot so laporte li gagne courtiser…??!!!…Sa c selment pour faire ressortir ki tou dimoune ena so droit personel pren so decision et decider dan ki secte,religion ou institution li envi suive…Apres kan ou pa konne 1 zafere lor 1 secte li vo mieux ou ress trankil..Hare Krishna par exemple aka ISCKON(International Society for Krishna Consciousness, c pa 1 SECTE sa, personne pa force ou dire ou vine dan sa secte la…Et pui c pa 1 secte oci acoz pena conversion dedan, pena okene rites conversion,c open a tous,irrespectable de ki religion ou eter, dan tou pays du monde meme en Pakistan ou Afganistan ena 1 centre ISCKON…C parceki mo konne a propos de sa societer isckon la ki mo p dire ou saa….Mo respecter tou sa societer mentionner la haut la..Sakene gagne droit pren so decision..Si dimoune la p truver ki li p gagne la paix et satisfaction en suivant tel secte, b li gagne droit suive 1 secte…

    IMPORTANT-P koz CONVERSION ici la, TORPEDO pa p koz lor bane institutions ou bane centres…ISCKON etc pa converti dimoune sa…C selment 1 instituion kot ou ale ecoute bon kozer, relax et gagne 1 pe la paix spirituel..Moi personelment mone senti sa..Et personne labas pane dire moi ou bizin change religion ou faire 1 ceremonie pou baptise ou pou change religion, non, l;i tou le contraire….

    Alor please kan ou kozer li vaut mieux ou lire 2 fois ceki ou p ecrire…Et konne faire comparaison..P coz conversion de Hindu en catholik par eg pa p koz lor frekentation bane institutions..


  31. Notice
    Hi everyone. Please avoid taking names of religious communities/associations etc… Thanks a lot for participating by voicing out your concerns 😉


  32. These folks are scared of:

    1. Exposure that their community and religious leaders are not doing their job properly. If are people are converting to another faith (or turn into atheists,) something is wrong there. How to hide this fact, they blame it on forced conversion whatever it means.

    2. Becoming a minority for they are racists! Beneath the gay rainbow of tolerance and understanding (as one people and 1 nation, etc.), lies the racism.

    3. Of being challenged by other communities and atheists when it comes to faith.

    Should there be an anti-conversion law? No! The freedom of beliefs should not be perverted because of some pussy racists! There, I said it.


  33. All in all it looks like religion is following what the world is becoming, i.e, religion is now becoming a product with people advertising about how great one’s religion is and others are either buying into it or not. Welcome in our Mauritian consumerist world. As for the anti-conversion law… that is “apré la mor la tisane”. Each one has entered the race and once they see that it gets out of hand they look for political backing to try settle things knowing that religion still stays the basis of our political culture.

    Anyway, Mauritian web designers might find a new niche to exploit: religion conversion websites.


  34. Hi JO.

    I guess you are referring to the Bahai “religion”. Did you know that the leadership of this sect has been handed down the family of the founder for some time?

    Is it not true that you have to be interviewed by a representative and given a special ID number when you join this sect?

    I did not know God required so much bureaucracy….


  35. Jo,

    Picture this:

    A world government is in place. Obedience to the government is compulsory. Involvement in bipartisan politics in not allowed. There is one world religion which adopted bits and pieces from all major religions. Everyone over the age of 15 must individually recite an obligatory prayer each day. You can elect your religious representative but she can never be a woman as females are banned from the governing body. But your ELECTED religious representative is not accountable to his electors.

    Sounds familiar Jo? I bet it does. All of the above is not the fruit of my imagination. They are what the Bahai religion stands for. Still don’t believe me? Do your research…



    What you have here is a perfect example whereby an ideology which is pushing for a world government and works hand in hand with the UN to implement its objectives. They claim to be fighting for equality and justice when they ban women from their “Universal House of Justice”. Bahá’u’lláh, the founder of Bahai wants its followers to refrain from questioning the authority, to shun other political ideologies. If you are naive enough to wish to join their sect, you will have to be interviewed first. You are even given a unique ID number once you join.

    You may be not aware of it, but the Bahai religion is the fastest growing religion and it the second most widespread religion (200 countries) after Christianity. Is it a coincidence that in the year 2000, the only non governmental speaker at the Millennium Forum was a Bahai representative – a religion of only 6 million followers??

    Is it a mere coincidence that the Bahai religion gained consultative status with:

    United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
    United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
    World Health Organization (WHO)
    United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM)
    United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)










  37. This anti-conversion law proposal is the most stupid thing I ever heard after the “1 sel lepep 1 sel nation” slogan. Anyone can believe in anything whether the religion states that one should believe in god, gods, aliens or guinea pigs… It doesn’t f**king concern anyone if I want to change my religion even if I am convinced by blatantly dubious promises that will not be fulfilled by joining my new religion…

    Man, if you want that a hindu no longer converts to another religion, then use the same techniques as in other religions, for e.g in some religions,(that I will not cite) it is strictly forbidden to become an apostate or else you will burn and be tortured in hell eternally or god will send fireballs on you as punishment for the renunciation of your god and your religion. Then the very idea of changing religion will scare the shit out of your people and hence your lost lambs have little chance of converting to another religion…

    If the very effective fear of god technique doesn’t work on your lost lambs then you can bait them by using more subtle marketing technique… For e.g in some other religions they propose that when you get to go to paradise, because you are a very “good” person, you will get x number of virgins and lots of fun everyday (with the virgins of course) Now the simplest thing to do is to outbid those offers like religious leaders can suddenly interpret a section of a sacred god-inspired book written by ordinary horny men that was thinking about only one thing at the time of writing that give paradise dwellers x+10 or x+20 or in any case a number much larger than x virgins… This will ensure that your people will blindly follow your religion without asking questions. On top of that you can expect people converting to your religion with that kind of offer…

    You see it’s very easy to keep and even lure new believers in your religion… You have to know a bit about marketing and you have to invent interpret sections and paragraphs of your already existing religious books in such a way that will attract more followers. You see the demand for an anti-conversion law will make you look racist but if you make apostasy illegal in your religion, nobody will care and nobody will call your religious books racist because religious books are always right and sacred.

    Completely out of subject part: while I completely disagree with the idea of anti-conversion law, I fully support an “anti-transfuge” law that was proposed by our great beloved leader of Party Malin 😛


  38. dudes!!!!

    DO you guys really believe that religion matters so much today!!
    we are in a global world full of competition, all that we need to be happy is financial security for our family, not a group of fanatics debating on which religion is the best to follow.
    religion is good as an identity but for leading a joyful life, i think, one should really care about how much financially secure he or she is!
    thats what i think!


  39. Hinduism cannot be defined as a religion. Religions impose artificial restrictions and boundaries. Religions tend to be structured like any other governments. Religions tend to have rules and regulations, just like a government. Religions punish anyone who dares step outside its pre-defined boundaries and rules, just like a government. Religions are here to keep us in check and to preserve a hierarchy in society. Religions tend to provide answers to all your questions, just like governments making empty promises.

    So Hinduism cannot be a religion. It is a complex and diversified but at the same time a unified mass of spiritual thought.

    Hinduism does not provide answers. Hinduism provides a path to the truth. It is up to you to understand and use the ideology of Hinduism.

    Many people cannot assimilate this nectar which is the product of millennia of meditation and education by wise men, so they go for quick fix or “fast food” religions which provide answers.

    Life is a journey, a journey of self exploration. Hinduism is an essential tool for this journey.

    Hinduism has been here before religions and will remain after religions have long gone. Why? Because truth will always remain.

    Hinduism as we know it has been hijacked by charlatans over the years. Hindu “priests” have failed in their duty to explain and propagate the true meanings and teachings of Hinduism. They have exploited people for money and power.

    A renaissance in Hinduism is much needed in this violent and unjust world of materialism.

    The Gayatri Mantra:

    “We meditate on the transcendental glory of
    the Deity Supreme,
    who is inside the heart of the earth,
    inside the life of the sky,
    and inside the soul of the heaven.
    May He stimulate and illumine our minds. “


  40. imperium said:

    DO you guys really believe that religion matters so much today!!
    we are in a global world full of competition, all that we need to be happy is financial security for our family, not a group of fanatics debating on which religion is the best to follow.
    religion is good as an identity but for leading a joyful life, i think, one should really care about how much financially secure he or she is!
    thats what i think!



  41. this is what i posted on Kailash’s blog:

    “I could be an example of cultural diversity 🙂

    My dad’s a hindu
    my mum a marathi
    my husband a catholic
    my daughter’s godmother is chinese….

    yes, i believe in diversity and respeceting other religions..but unfortunately some nut heads are pushing things too far…

    most of my mum’s family are converted…i think marathi are the most targeted ones..a small community and once you have one parent converted, the whole flock follows….”


  42. We have grouped people whose cultural heritage are associated to Hinduism as Hindus. These protestors are fighting to preserve their culture identity.

    It’s a shame to see many Mauritians of Indian origin falling into the age old trap of divide and rule.

    I guess only a few cells of the grey matter is required to figure out Marathi speakers, Tamil speakers, Telegu speakers and hindi speakers are part of the same big and proud Indian cultural heritage. In the Indian sub continent, they are all classified as Hindus.

    Reena, For you to believe your dad is “Hindu” and your mum “Marathi” is beyond my logic. This proves your ignorance about your own cultural background.

    How did we allow this vile grey haired man split up our brothers and sisters?

    How did we allow Berenger, a man who has never worked his whole life, who enjoyed the worker’s union money and who was deported from France while he was a student for being troublesome, to hijack our community.

    Berenger is a spin doctor who is bent on preserving the grip of the descendents of slave masters on the Mauritian economy.

    Divide and rule is the oldest trick in the colonial book.

    So, he has divided and they are ruling.


  43. @ Maverick:

    “Reena, For you to believe your dad is “Hindu” and your mum “Marathi” is beyond my logic. This proves your ignorance about your own cultural background. ”

    Dear, i am not an ignorant who does not know about her own cultural or religious background…you misunderstand my words….

    when i say my dad is hindu i mean of indian origins(for my great grandfathers do come from Bihar which is in India…) following hinduism…do i have to explain for my mum, my husband and my daughter’s godmother too???? we are MAURITIANS first of all but of different origins…is that too hard to understand???

    pffff!!!!!! ….


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