Danger Zone : Men at work along motorway

Trimming the grass, somewhere around Terre Rouge

Did you ever notice those men busy working along the motorway? Yes, the same ones who are paid to trim the grass or even pick up bottles or empty snack packets which some of you throw while driving.

Well, I have been coming across them since a few months now, nearly on a daily basis. Equipped with their string trimmers (aka “l’appareil taille gazon“), they usually work in groups and move along together when they have finished trimming the grass in that area. They also wear appropriate clothing to protect themselves from the stones or other objects flying around while they are working. But there is a big lack of equipment which informs road users about works in progress.

However, I have been wondering what would happen if one of those objects fly towards a vehicle. At such a high speed, a window or even the car’s windscreen can easily blow into pieces, putting everyone in danger : the driver and the passengers. The driver can easily lose control of his vehicle, which can hit the guy and any other vehicles passing by.

Fortunately, there haven’t been such incidents (and accidents) till now and let’s hope that they are provided with the proper equipment to inform drivers to slow down in those areas.

And can you imagine the danger they are exposed to? Unfortunately, they do not really have a choice.

Bon weekend to everyone!

9 thoughts on “Danger Zone : Men at work along motorway

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  1. Saw them working along the motorway to Port Louis just before Pailles. I feel that the danger is more for those workmen with vehicles speeding alongside of them. Are they employed by the state or municipalities or maybe they are on contract to the state? I guess that if their equipment causes an accident the insurance would go against the state and vice-versa?


  2. Zok kner ti 2ja arrive mw sa, mais a laplace qui roche la tap lor 1 vitre line tap lor laport loto. Mari chance sa, mais line fer 1 trou dan la tolle loto la.


  3. Bnjr zot tou, mo bizin 1 laide r zot. Mo livebox myt disconnect chaque coute. eski li normal sa, ek si ena 1 solution plz dir mw .merci davance.


  4. It’s farcical that they are given to wear green fluorescent when they are supposed to be seen by motorists, yet they blend so well with the greenery around them.

    Fluorescent green is usually best worn at night, but in all lighting and conditions fluorescent orange is best. It’s the reason why rafts, buoys, and life jackets are usually orange.



  5. Ta eh, to p tir foto kan to p drive?? contravention LOL..

    Well, this is very bad especially for motorcyclists who don’t wear full protective helment “integral” since the tiny pices of grass can hop into their eyes resulting in accident. Pheww.. The deputy representing that area is responsible my friend.. In other words the government 🙂

    As you said, blog is a great medium to type out your says/opinions 🙂 If radio listeners don’t hear us, at least there’re bloggers visiting and commenting on the latest phenomenons that took place 😀


  6. i have one had bundle of grass projected inside my car at round point universite.. I have even got on my face also.. feels like a small slap.lol. but could not get angry at that guy though.. he did not do it intentionally. else at some other times i have had small pebbles projected on my side windows with those trimmers.


  7. I nearly drove over one the other day, they walk slowly and they cannot be predicted, but heh :p someone’s gotta do the job, and adding more restrictions on how they should do their job will end up increasing their price i guess.

    I have no idea what to do in case one day my car gets scratch by pebbles thrown by their bush cutter. But then when it happens then i’ll see.


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