My photoblog goes online!

Update  20 October 2016 : All content from the photoblog has been moved to the main blog, under the category Photoblog

Why a photoblog?

Logo photoblog

Since the last months, I have been thinking about the different ways of putting my shots online. Flickr is definitely the best to act as some portfolio for your creations and Picasa is the most secure way of holding your albums online with a very customizable access control. With the powerful wordpress in hand, I wanted to develop my own photoblog and I really enjoyed customizing wordpress into a photoblog 🙂 As some of you probably know, was my old domain and I decided to bring it back to life by presenting something new and as interesting as this blog. The photoblog has been fully customized starting from the theme itself and has been pumped up with some custom codes and wordpress plugins. Special thanks to those friends and bloggers who tested the blog and provided me with their feedback to make this site even better! You will also notice that all my blogger friends have been linked from the photoblog and I invite all of them to link this photoblog back, please!

Now time to discover the features of this new blog!

What has been keeping me busy?

As you will probably notice at first sight, the rating system. Rating system

Too lazy to view images in their individual pages?

Click to view large picture!

Live tips and news

Live tips and news

Don’t like the dark theme?

This color switcher option is currently DISABLED. Unfortunately the wordpress super cache plugin worked wonderfully well and cached all pages on the server, causing my color switcher module to fail. Later, I will either have to choose between performance of the photoblog or keep this color switcher option, but for now, performance matters the most! Meanwhile have a look at the screenshot below for a preview 😛 switch

New posts directly into your inbox!

No need to visit this site daily or fill up your rss reader… Just fill in your email address and all the future images will automatically land into your inbox! Get the latest in your inbox!

And the standard comment box

The unforgettable comments!

The quick intro is now over. is the next link you should be visiting right now!!! Cheers!

Milestones :

By customizing WordPress into a photoblog, I have one of the most powerful tools in my hands! Sky is the limit… Just imagine the hundreds of features that can be instantly added through plugins or simply writing some php code right into the pages! I will definitely keep upgrading this photoblog with ideas both emerging from you and the web 2.0 trends. This page will be kept as a change log to mark the dates on which new features are added.

  • 20 October 2016 : All content from the photoblog has been moved to the main blog, under the category Photoblog
  • 14 June 2013 – The look of the blog has been slightly modified over the past month. Additionally, the home page now shows images pulled directly from my Flickr account. So probably, most pictures are going to be posted there instead, especially with the 1TB of free space made available to all free accounts 🙂
  • 18 December 2011 – New AF-S 35mm 1.8G lens, purchased during my visit to China
  • 04 September 2010 – Acquired a Nikkor 18-105 VR 🙂
  • 01 September 2010 : Categories menu added 🙂
  • 16 July 2010 : Received my Flash SB 600 🙂
  • 17 March 2010 : Small modification on photoblog : Medium size pictures are now shown when the thumbnails are clicked. Previously, the larger version was displayed
  • 13 March 2010 – My photography gear now includes a Tamron 70-300mm f/4-5/6 Li LD Macro lens (arrived today itself), a Velbon CV540 tripod, a wireless remote among others. .
  • 4 December 2009- Received my new DSLR, Nikon D5000, purchased on ebay.
  • 12th July 2009 – Size of original pics has been increased from a width of 700px to 980px. Applicable to pictures posted as from today.
  • 7th July 2009 – Images pulled onto through custom ajax code from this photoblog.
  • 1st July 2009 – Added small icon to share pictures on facebook.
  • 27 June 2009 – Official Launch early in the morning.
  • 25 June 2009 – Disabled color switcher option since wordpress super cache plugin is caching all files wonderfully well, thus preventing the custom coding to work.
  • 10 June 2009 – Beta version of photoblog uploaded, useful feedback from friends and bloggers.
  • 1 June 2009 – Customization of wordpress started

15 thoughts on “My photoblog goes online!

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  1. Thats great! I indeed understand the addiction to photography.. 😛 i myself have been updateing my flickr more often than my own blog. Was trying to figure out a way to share my pics more easily.. was looking for some apps to suck the pics from flickr.. but nom were succesfull. finally i decided to remain on flikr itself!

    btw, the theme on ur photoblog is really good. WordPress power. indeed. Since its near perfection.. my critics will be very high 😛 dnt mind.
    I was clicking on all the pics, trying to figure out where the comment form was.. well.. i had to click on the title.. thats the only *glitch* i noticed.

    oh.. this comment is long.. yeah.. for the link backs.. is dead.. its

    Thanks.. will add ur photo blog ASAP.

    Rock ON!!


  2. Pas mal. L’ironie c’est que j’essayais moi même jusqu’au matin (sans succès! faut le faire) Picasia hier 🙂
    Est-ce la proximité de la Nuit du solstice d’été (la Saint-Jean), où les délire est à la fête et on voit parfois même passer des sorcières.

    Je n’ai encore rien noté car je suis à la bourre- après avoir tout vu je délibererais ur le nombre d’étoiles (3 pu 4) pour “Touching the ship”. Mais je te signale une petite difficulté à passer à la page 2 (ça tarde, normal?). Et aussi (mais tu l’as peut-être fait) que tu ne signale pas le amke de l’appareil. C’est en général ce que font la plupart des photobloggeurs (moi mo gegn honté).

    A plus


  3. A neat idea and well organised. A nice way to browse photos. Good effort has been put into the presentation. Looking good.


    1. @Sun : Just added you on flickr and updated my blogroll on both sites!
      There are a few apps that are actually good, but they did not reach my expectations. With my own photoblog on wordpress, sky is the limit!
      There are so much customizations possible!!! And I have already planned my next features!

      Its a pity that the color switcher does not work with Super Cache. Just Imaging switching colors!

      Ya, you should click on the titles to see the comment form. Perhaps I should add a small comment icon somewhere to guide the visitor through the site. Thanks for your feedback!

      Picasa est simplement trop top! C’est si facile de choisir tes photos avec le logiciel picasa et ensuite envoyer par mail ou les mettre en ligne directement!
      Pour le probleme de lenteur, je pense peut etre que ta chance n’etais pas avec toi 😛 Quelqu’un a peut etre bouffé ta bande passante 😛
      J’ai mentionné que c’est un Fujifilm S5600 sur la page “About”, mais c’est une grande aventure qui commence avec le photoblog! Reste branché et n’hesites pas à cliquer sur les étoiles!

      @AloMoris : wawa, avec zotte support!

      @Mike : Thanks a lot Mike.

      @Carrot : A new blog into the Mauritian blogosphere despite it’s a bit different from all the others 🙂


  4. Finalement je n’ai eu aucune peine pour passer d’une page à l’autre. Je trouve que c’est très naturel, spontané avec parfois des idées et petits moments sans prétentions, mais sympas. La photo de madame penchant la tête et laissant voir le paysage est ma préférée (page 3 au bas à gauche). Dans mon métier on m’a toujours conseillé de faire vivre une photo avec des gens. Tu peux voir toi même la différence lorqu’il n’y a personne(eg à Cap Malheureux).
    La photo de la vierge est intéressante. Je me pose la question sur celle de N. D. Rose-Hill par exemple. J’ai l’impression qu’elle a été modélée sur une bourgeiose de l’époque. L’expression tournée vers le ciel permet beaucoup de représentations. Mais sans doute que j’exagère.
    Bonne continuation.


    1. @Dodorock :
      C’est vraiement sympa de ta part.
      Merci encore pour tes commentaires et n’hesites surtout pas à recommender mon photoblog!
      Bonne journée!


  5. Wow, amazing pics. It is so good to see pictures of Mauritius, keep it up and the more pictures of the sun the better 🙂



  6. Great photoblog – please keep it coming. I’m new to photoblogging but looking to start soon. In fact I just registered a new domain name for it –! Any tips to get started would be appreciated…


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