Pas de pitié pour le chauffard de 16ans?

Une voiture conduite par un jeune de 16 ans a fini sa course écrabouillée, après avoir heurté de plein fouet un pylone électrique. Le passager, son cousin de 18ans a laissé sa vie alors que lui, il semble encore être dans le coma avec la colonne vertébrale disloquée.

Orange Olympic Walk n Run for Fun in images

It was a totally unexpected visit to the "Orange Olympic Walk n Run for Fun" event held today at Mon Choisy. While returning back home after recharging my orange account, I noticed loads of people running and walking towards Mon Choisy. Its only then that I remembered about the event which was highly advertised since the last days. I drove back home and took the camera... So, here is my post about this first "Orange Olympic Walk n Run for Fun" in images...

Review speed limit in Mauritius?

Is it time to review the speed limit for certain roads of Mauritius?
A growing number of new/reconditioned vehicles is using our roads daily, hence more stable, reliable and performing...
90Km/hr on our motorways, with 60Km/hr in certain areas around motorways and an average of 50 Km/Hr in villages..

Underground Supernatural Camping 5.0

Summary The executive members of the 'Underground Committee©' was on camping mode since Friday upto Sunday(today) in the north of the Island at Mont Choisy, well not only Mont Choisy infact, you will learn why in some seconds... We finally ended the camping at Pereybere, in a luxurious bungalow, compared to the first one at... Continue Reading →

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