Orange Sitara, the final…

The final of Orange Sitara is here! So, first of all, I didnt really know that the final was going to be today, despite the numerous adverts that have surely been broadcasted on the tv, which I didnt have the 'opportunity' to watch since I was back from home very late these last days.

10 interesting facts about facebook

Facebook, one of the most rapidly growing web site is a very interesting subject to study and follow up, daily.... In addition to its official blog, there are lots of other facebook blogs (example All Facebook) that keep you updated of daily news.Every morning, I connect to these sites to be updated about the sites,... Continue Reading →

Hello, ki position Nomad, Emtel, MTML, DCL?

Hello,Ki dir? More than 1 week already, "orange p vender partout", but still, no response from the competitors, at least, nothing extraordinary in their business strategy from namely, NomadEmtelMTMLDCL Except a small thing from Emtel, you can now epin ur mobile with only rs20, instead of rs25. r for rabbit modem I tried to access... Continue Reading →

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