[Some] taxi drivers and their careless attitude

You won’t really find the post interesting in case you are not a driver or you are always seated in the back passengers’ seat.

As a driver, I have always been surprised by taxi drivers, and I must say, pretty angry too. I will tell you why in a few seconds. But first, let me put this clear : Not all taxi drivers are like that. I am writing this from my personal daily experience and I am sure that many among you might share the same point of view.

So here I go; SOME taxi drivers :

  • rarely put their hazard lights to show their intention
  • rarely show courtesy on roads
  • are always the first ones to horn at you
  • do not really care if you have priority
  • forget that there are rules and regulations.

Just to give you an example : Have a look at this old post, proving how a taxi driver takes the road to be his private property  :

And do you know where the worst taxi drivers operate?

In Flacq! wow, it is a complete mess there, horning, taxis everywhere, zigzagging, stopping anywhere to take a passenger…

The reason to explain their behavior might be an overconfidence of their driving skills. Their all day-night long exposure to the roads drives them to believe that they are the only users of the roads, the ones whom you can’t be compared too. But very often, they tend to forget that they are not the only one on the roads.

More examples to quote? Express yourselves!

15 thoughts on “[Some] taxi drivers and their careless attitude

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  1. i agreeeee one of their theories is that their office is the road soooo they-no-it-all (SOME of taxi drivers point of view)

    safe driving 😀


  2. Lol …temme bout it 😉 …i experienced it wen i was in mru …evrything u said there ive noticed n experience …i remember once in Petit Raffray the road was blocked due to a truck unloading stuffs ..the road was sooo narrow n i got stuck behind it causing a huge traffic jam coz some silly cabbie parked his cab literrally on the road leaving space for a bike to hardly sqeeze in 😦 on the other side of the road …pppfff imagine tats around 5ish wen evryone is rushing home …aaarrgghhhh ….then another caabbie wanna get on the main road behind me says “mamzel risse ou machine la devant 1 p ..pour mo gagne ti place !!! ” d-uh 😛 … but believe it or not there are some cabbies outta here who makes me feel @ home :p …same to same as in mru …specially the cabbie students or migrants :p … i could go on bout cabbies in mru ..but ill leave it to here …me gng for brekky 😉


  3. wai movais bezer R zot. fonce devant toi. zot pas donne toi chemin. gaigne pu tromper si to pas demare vite lor robot.

    + loto decorer style fast and furious


  4. Ena chauffer taxi ek motocycle roule comment dire zot dan camion. .

    P:S mo demand moi kot sa ban gro pares policier dan PL la eter. .1 lane kot bazar PL koter motorway in vin taxi lane. . Ban in convert sa en taxi stand. .


  5. “More examples to quote? Express yourselves!”

    Non merci: par courtoisie pou tou bann regular readers of this (mari top) blog, i will refrain from flooding you with my stats and opinions about taxis (cars and lorries).

    But just a small anecdote:
    Pa pli tard ki avant-hier, vers 20:15, mo pe roule 108-109km/h lor fast lane motorway direction Phoenix. Zis apré fly-over / Oxenham parla pa ti ena la-limierr ditou / marée noire nett, ena enn malin doubler moi lor gauche, ek li vire dans mo lane enn koutt britt, mett hazard aller. Reflex: zourer mama ek tromper fort. Mais zott pas gagne le-temps sorti lerr mo realiser ki boug-la inn mank tapp ar enn bebett camion taxi ki pas ti ena ni “feux de signalisation arriere” ni stop light nargnié, pé rouler 50-55km/h lor motorway.

    A-kott bann “enforcing authority” (Highway patrol, trafic ki habituer kass poz guette 35 ki conduire – pa koz NTA – etc) été?

    Zot nek depann lor gadget electronik pou coinss bannn chauffard speeders grosses cylindrées (ki ena moyen pou payé ou bien kass contravention-la par bann contact), mais bann ki aussi danzéré (essaye fer kiryé quand ou trouve enn ti-madam ki’nn involve dans enn constat à l’amiable, avek so ti loto contr enn gro katkat ou van 9/15 plass, inn entouré ar enn tas zom: enn grand chance ki chauffer bann zom-la pena l’assurance) p touzour circuler.

    Dodoland, c’est un plaisir. De conduire, pas sur…

    Amen. (pou tou bann bebett ki pas respecter code de la route ek ki mo PAS souhaité ki fini lor koltar kouma mo tonton ki ti bizin inhumer sans so enn koté lipié ek lamé parski enn chauffard ti traine li lor 150m…)


  6. Missié Awootar,
    ki-ferr ou pas mett enn ti-concours photo ki illustré plis vilain violation reglements par bann officier piblik mem: enn transport gouvernement ki visiblement pa meritt fitness, enn van la-polis ki park lor double la-ligne jaune ou-bien (d’apré nouvo règlements) kot ena continuous white line o-milié simé, bann traffic ki pe dramé, bann ti-garde ki p sms o-lié travail, bann ti bolom blé ki declar aveg / pas trouve bann violation flagrant ki pe passer divant zott orifice-visuel (ou foto-mem ki montrer enn van lapolis pe doubler enn taxi rouz ki’nn park lor coter droitt enn bien zoli l’exemple!!), etc, etc, la-list bien bien long…. Alorss, ou poster bann contributions ek demann bann visiterr voter / donne points, ek lerla, ou donn enn (bann?) prix pendant ou prosenn Bloggers’ Meeting. Ki ou dire??


    1. @Torpedo: 🙂

      Mo croire bien mone deja montrer bane fotos de ce genre (Click lo links):

      van la polis lo double la ligne jaune et trottoir,
      moto traffic lo double la ligne jaune ou
      ene mottard traffic koze brite r moi lo chemin.

      En passant, petite precision : Sa foto van la polis acoter taxi rouge la, c suite a mo demande, van la polis ine al acoter sa taxi la pu koze r so proprietaire. alors li pas ti p doubler li. Check sa l’article la pu zistoire la au complet 🙂

      Ene zaffaire to cpv toujours compte lo moi, c poster bane fotos (si mone ressi tirer) kot ena la force policiere p viole la loi. Sa mo garantie toi, mo parole!


  7. mo pa dakor ek to tit. To pa kapav met pom ek zoranz dans mem panier. Ena ki roule korek.

    Par kont pou moi tou sofer taxi voler. Prix ki zot charge.. Wa dire inn met la gorz lor liku sa.

    Li pa drol ki buku kumsa. Zot la pou travay. Fer kas. Ek fer zot client rant pli boner a destination. Alors zot bizin fer vit tras ici ek la ba. Apre si zot tape zot jouir lassirans la o max. Mo sipoze ki dans tou pays bann taxi ena mem latitid lor volant. Li ennuyant pu nu ki p drive. Parey kuma nou kan nou drive li anouy zot. Parski dapre zot nou p fer ler. :(.


  8. Eratum : Hier mo ti reponn sa depilor mobile. Aster la mo p rantre via pc ek mo truve ki ena Some Drivers. 😦
    Mes excuses .


  9. @ Yashvin:
    “Ene zaffaire to cpv toujours compte lo moi, c poster bane fotos (si mone ressi tirer) kot ena la force policiere p viole la loi. Sa mo garantie toi, mo parole! ”

    Kifer nou pas ferr couma p̩ deza p̩ ferr dan Lenn Рservi Facebook pou coince bann ki deklar pli mari ki la loi?


  10. @ Yashvin

    Sa ferr 12 jours consésutifs ki mo’nn zour au-moins enn sofar-taxi (soi gramatin, soit tanto)… Mo kwar mo lerr tapp ar enn la-dans pe arriver vite-vite… Mo pe al asté mo la-craie zonn ek check mo bann form constat à l’amiable touzour.

    Saki capav faire: contigne defensive driving. Pas laisse ou impressioner par bann tapperr / sofar-taxi. Ni par aukenn lezott type utilisateur simé. Mais, mo’nn alle decouvert fek-la ki photographic records pas admissible en cour dans Dodoland… Ou ca-av cwar…? Quand nou pays so bann system pou coumence moderniser enn tiginn? Sa ki capa faire dans ça cas-la: voter différemment. Rapporter les irrégularités. Mais surtout, silence = complicité. Donc, napa ress trankil. Napa laisse ou gentillesse autorise dimoune mal-elvé mars lor ou lipié.

    En tous cas, to bann suggestions top nett: kipiteup!


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