Yes! They are back on TV!

Haha! I won’t be long!

It will be great to watch all those political ‘parties’ to talk on TV for the next days!

Links to broadcast

Day 1 :
Day 2 :

Don’t miss them at anycost!

I am waiting for your commentsssssssssssss 😛

100 thoughts on “Yes! They are back on TV!

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  1. Day 6

    Party Malin p dire ki tout pandit, aya, mon pere bisin gagne duty free!
    Party Malin p dire ki scavengers, laboureur bisin gagne rs25milles roupies et assurance medical dans clinique.
    Party Malin p dire la loie barbare!
    Party Malin p dire so lakaaz ine prend difer mais ziska lere li pas encore gagne courant.[C vraie sa :S ???]

    Et sinon, MAM azordi ine dir encore 1 fois :

    “Obama ti dir ‘Yes, we can’, MAM dire ‘Now is the time’, noune parer!”


  2. zmai mone autant honte mo creol : / fran fran tout pas krwar MAM represente vraiment ban creol ein:S mo dakor avec lundi premier paques mais pas poua le boire sipaki.. ki gonaz sa?? saem limage creol li envi montre socieT? apres si zenfant camp de masque pas envi ale college royal akoz trop loin.. pena problem.. laisse lot piti aler ein…saem ki apel dimoun couyon sa mo fami..pfiouuu


  3. Party Malin p dire so lakaaz ine prend difer mais ziska lere li pas encore gagne courant.[C vraie sa :S ???]


    boug la pas pu koz menti lor public sa si lor tv live!
    mo m mone pass dan 1 situation presque pareil mais dan 1 context diferent, mais the disappointment was the same!
    boug la to guet li m to coner li pa 1 mandaye

    tou cki line kozer dpi zordi zour, ofet ena boku dimune pa o courant, mais li vrai 110%.

    Sa boug la fini coner line pass boku miser dan so lavie… pa bizin dire sa, akoz sa m li coz kumsa.. akoz sa m he looks like to be a polished gem..
    Someone rightly said

    “The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.”


  4. Watched our favourite political broadcast with the various political party presentations this evening. Again they did not let us down. Here are some of the revelations:
    -the FSM party has a “master plan” to speed-up and improve the judicial system BUT the catch is they would not reveal it now???
    -the MDM said that the Creator has sent a saviour…. the leader of the MDM of course;
    -the MAM, (Zorro is their icon), is fighting to get Easter Monday as an official public holiday, however they realize that Creoles enjoy a good booze-up on that day but even if they drink a ton of beer, so what, that’s their problem, the day should be a public holiday anyhow. No doubt Zorro will leave his mark ZZZZZZZ, hic;
    -the PPM reckons that Mauritians will only wash their hands once at voting time!! (Pontius Pilate did that in history and look what happened);
    -and our best friend at Party Malin gave an absolutely stunning presentation, it was his best, his most fiery, in fact he said that his house had caught fire and that the authorities had not helped him and stated that the law is barbaric, apparently he is without electricity? Mind you even in his personal distress he did not forget the population and made some useful proposals like: ministers of religions should get 100% duty free, dustmen/workmen should get a salary of Rs.25,000 and medical insurance.

    The 5th May voting day draws near and I will miss all this excitement. So many interesting proposals and the sad thing is that many will not be implemented, I am sure school kids would have appreciated a free bicycle.
    Have a nice weekend.


  5. Sure he was funny today, but I will ask people not to make fun of his sentence about the fact that his house caught fire and he begged for help…
    This shows that he really wants to make something, so bon volonté…
    Once again, thumps up Party Malin…

    Last point : his ‘colleague’ nearly started to laugh at the end of the speech!


  6. the man may not be a doctor or lawyer..
    the man may be doesnt know how to express himself properly…
    the man may not have the tact of a diplomat..
    the man may not be a brilliant economist
    the man may be be talking funny….
    the man may be promising crazy measures….
    the man will definitely not be elected….

    and yet…yet….

    he somehow sounds more genuine and true than seasoned politicians…

    chapeau bas monsieur….


  7. In just 1 day, he gained the respect of all…
    Si zot guet bien, li p propose ban zafer pu rende la vie ti dimoune pli facile. Bien sur, some do appear to be ridiculous, mais au moins, li ena la volonté pu travay pu sa ti dimoune la.
    Zordi, mone vraiment apprécié li. Respect! Votez Party Malin! 🙂 nou met nou l’ancre dan parlement! 🙂


  8. kan mone tan li dir ki so lakaz ine pren dife ek li pena couran mo ti p gagne bucu sagrain pu li. meme dan so dificilte li pe rode aide ti dimune
    li ena bucu curage sa boug la mo apprecier bucu pu so curage

    gr8 guy


  9. Last point : his ‘colleague’ nearly started to laugh at the end of the speech!

    mosi mone remark sa 😛


  10. Day 7
    Party Malin p dir :
    – Tout dimounes handicapers, malades et vieux bisin gagne rs1000 pu l’independence.

    Mone fini blier lereste :S
    Someone, please help!


  11. Day 7 for the party political broadcasts on TV and our favourite “Party Malin” looked a bit tired, the campaign probably taking up all his energy. There were moments where he paused having lost his place in his list of proposals. Still he came up with a list of what he considers as priorities for the people.
    -illegal minicabs should get patents and 100% duty free
    -civil servants retirement age should be 60
    -invalids in wheelchairs should get Rs.1,000
    -he would place a motion in parliament about delayed police (he said: poliste) promotions
    -he said he would hold a press conference on the subject of political deserters, turncoats,(transfuge)

    Even though the political campaign pace is taking its toll on his energy level, he still manages to come up with social proposals.
    I salute this lone political fighter, he has the admiration of the people.


    1. @Dvil : Si mo ti dans so circonscription, wi mo ti pu vote li, pu donne li ene motivation pu continier r seki li faire.
      Peut etre so place pas ideal dans l’assemblee nationale, mais mo penser, li cpv faire kitchose pu so region, peut etre municipal or something similaire.


  12. @ yashvin : totally daccord avek toi .. li bizin essay dan municipaliT ou kelkechose kom saa .. lerla tipa tipa li ti pou grimpe l’echelle du premier ministre 😉


  13. Day 8

    Azordi, parti MDM (elephant) ti top! Franc tout, si li continier, li prend place Party Malin.
    Candidat L’elephant :

    – Bane controlleurs bis bizin crier kot zotte fine arriver dans sak l’endroit pu ki dimoune pas stresser. Zotte zis crier kant zotte ena pu rode passagers.
    – Bisin donne 1 congé le lendemain pu sa dimoune ki fouille trou asoir pu ene mortalité dans cimitiere
    – Zenfants met masque dans lekol pu fetes et l’anniversaire et apres sa bane zenfants la pu met masques pu faire viol et crimes kant zotte vine grand TVRZLC (Trappe Ventre Rier Ziska Larmes Couler)!!!

    Et sinon, nu favori, le leader du Party Malin ine laisse la parole a la candidate dans no7…

    Et finalement, li fine dir

    Tous moriciens […], mo p donne zotte rendez vous le 5 Mai!


  14. bizin met tank delo et savonette partou dan nou pays… 😛 na mai fran tou. wow!!… nofing is best than laughing therapy!!!


  15. @Yashvin (day 8) you caught it all ok for the MDM, he was reading the script so fast I could only catch pieces and it was nearly incoherent. I guess he was trying to copy our friend of Party Malin because one proposal was for water tanks around the country apparently there are no water taps?
    LOL maybe they gave him oxygen in the studio after cos he was reading faster than the speed of sound?

    As for our dear friend at Party Malin in an unprecedented manner he gave most of the speaking time to his female colleague who spoke about the difficulties of female workers in textile factories, tea-pickers and widows trying to live on small wages. To wrap up the Party Malin speaking time he said see you all on the 5th May.

    We are now approaching crunch time, voting day and then all will be revealed. If the Party Malin does not make it, who will defend our social rights???


  16. Parti l’elephant ti ossi dir ki gouvernement bizin mettre drum de l’eau et savonette un peu partou a travers l’ile pou dimoune capave la la main…


  17. Day 9

    Parti Tireur Disable
    Zotte commence zotte discours :

    Bonjour bane tireur disables.
    Mo presente zotte nu vice president du tireur disables.


    Who will write the speeches please? I kept on laughing today 😛

    btw, a few of the political parties talked sense today while reminding people about the importance of making a good choice tomorrow. Good!

    We will miss them! Hope to see all of them back in 5years time!


  18. Sa ki mo p rappel la:

    Kuma leader party malin pu vine premier ministre, li pu tenir tou so ban promesse!

    Tou ban madame ki reste dan lakaz pna l’education pu ggn rs2500 par mois! Ek bonus de fin d’année rs1500?

    Tou ban etrangers ki vine la peche dan nou la mer pu bisin LEVE PAKER ALLER!

    Oken partis pa pu ggn droit fer plis ki 3 mandats. Zot bisin realiser ki ena lezot parti p rode pouvoir.

    Tou ban ti partis pu ggn rs2 millions par circonscription.

    Li ti p fer match boxing lor tv. Kav line alle apran r Bruno Julie!

    Ti tro bon zordi! Best of the best! Si li tir 1 DVD, best-seller sa! 😀 Bisin fer tirer cinema tou 😀 1 sel kut tou dimoune alle cinema 😀


  19. Party Malin p dire bizin arrete exploite nu lamer..zenfan bizin ggn omar, CRAPE (kieter sa? mo croire line rode dire brabe la) Ourite,Camaron!
    Party Malin p dire tou ban madam ki en souffrance ggn rs1500 bonus la fin lannée!
    Party Malin p dire bizin arret exploite nu RICHESSESTE!
    Votez Anchor Zote premier ministre!
    Arret vote grand party vote ti mo promesse! Party Malin donne zote rendez Vous le 5 mai!

    Dylan M 🙂


  20. ala 1 dialogue PAL
    pas fr kuma camaron, camaron ena KK dans latet..
    lol sa bougre la dir sa avek 1 style sa pheww.


  21. Ehhh lepep Kozer li bon li pa bon!!!????

    Et kuma mo rent dan lassemblee..capitaliste mo pa pou blier zot!!! 🙂

    mo divan zot dan sak lakaz.. zot truv mwa bien!!! astr nou ine ggne ledukation television radio.. le momen ine ariver nou bzin fr chanzement…..

    top net parti malin … pa blier vote parti malin: symbol ANCHOR; symbol sacrer et zot truv li lor tou bato…


  22. 1 lot zoli dialog!!!

    Beebeejaun: jamais nou fine tombe dan la bassesse! lmao!!!!
    Kan mo pense Nita ek Mme Uteem, mo dir ki boug la so joke top! 🙂


  23. Program PARTY MALIN

    PARTY MALIN P Diirr :
    Arme a feu pou bane choffeur taxi bizin retourne station asoir
    Duy free pou:- taxi loto, camion, taxi maron, imaam pandit monpere et etudiant
    Met tout travailler chinois et bangalgais dehors
    Gros loan pou bane pecheur
    Contravention baisse par 50%
    Salaire eboueur Rs25000
    Salaire gardien Rs 17000
    Pensionnaire Rs 10000
    Handiacpe bizin gagne Rs 1000 pou lindependance
    Travayer lotel bizin gagne en Euro
    Materiaux pou aranze lacaz lamoitier prix
    Assurance medical dan clinic pou bane cleaner travailer lizine
    Recrutement 30000 policier
    Laptop pou ban etudiant
    bicyclete pou ban etudiant
    Passport pou ban etudiant HSC
    L’assistance 24/24 pou ban aveugle
    Du riz ration delo la farine cado
    Du suk la moitier prix
    Lunette pou bane aveugle et personne agé
    Rs 2 millions pou bane ti parti pou fer campagne 4 mois avent election
    Bane zenfant bizin gagne omar camaron pou manzer
    Bane pecheur etranger bizin lev paker aller
    Ban madame dans lacaz ki pa travail e pena leducation bizin gagne Rs2500 e 1 bonus de Rs1000
    Ban parti politik gagne droit fer selement 3 mandat
    La lois anti transfuz

    POur le financement so bane programe ki Mr malin in promet Li pou prend r bane riche pou done bane pov

    Koze lepep ki zot pou fer

    Sanzer! sanzer! sanzer!

    (Merci à Shezaad Dilmohamad pour cette information)


  24. Bane lezotte dialogs :

    Tous bane etrangers ki lapeche dans nu zone economique bisin LEVE PAKER ALLER!!!

    NRPT zamais pas pu enlever sa! Sa meme casse par millions ki pu complete program party malin.
    Hey LEPEUP! Kozer! Li bon li pas bon???

    Tout bane compte epargne capitaliste, bisin taxer zotte avec ene l’interet. Sa meme casse parti malin pu donne malheureux et couma mo rente dans l’assemblee, CAPITALISTES! Mo pas pu blier Zotte!!!
    C zotte ki bisin contribuer pu dimoune misereeees!

    Ene grand party politik bisin faire 3 mandats seulement, fodait pas li faire 4 mandats parseki li bisin koner ena lezotte parties politiques p envie vine lo pouvoir! Sa bane parties politiques la, li ena l’esprit genie!

    line aussi dir :

    Leader party malin p vine premier ministre, c ene promesse mo p faire avec zotte!

    Today’s video is available on Ashfaq’s blog :


  25. The Party Malin was far superior in this evening’s political broadcast. A presentation to top all presentations. So many promises (promeste) if they get elected, like; women at home without work or education to get Rs.2,500 p/month and an annual bonus of Rs.1,000. Small political parties to get Rs.2,000,000 for their election campaigns four months before elections. Then with his hands/fingers raised and with determination he shouted out that foreign fishing fleets need to vacate Mauritian waters! To end their presentation the whole team in unison and with arms outstretched shouted CHANGE! CHANGE!. That is what everyone is expecting with this election a change for the better.

    So as the MAM (Zorro team) said don’t vote like a shrimp, a shrimp just has crap in its head, vote intelligently for change (Sanzer! sanzer!).


  26. hey guys, nou pa kav fer 1 petition pu fer party malin passe lor tv tous les jours? Dimoune pu destresser, pu riyé, ek lerla pu ggn la paix social 😛


  27. 8IEM JOUR, MESSAGE DE PARTY MALIN: Mrcien/ mriciene bonsoir,program party malin.zt tu kné ki party malin in fr 1 promes kuma mo 7candida rnt dn lsmblé m bzin cmplt tu m bn prmss lpep/party malin p dr ki bzin mt bstp dn wken ek prtu dn tu lendrt xziT.tu bn mdam ki dn lkaz ltat sufrnce ek ki pna ldikation dn zt lavi bzn gne RS2500 pr moi+1bonus de Rs1500 fn dané.party malin p dir nu bzn prtze nu lamer puki tu bn znfan kpv gne omar,crab et dotre fruit d zs tourst kipu joiur nu malin p dir tou bn etrngr kiP lapes dn nu zone ekonomik bzn lev “paK” alé.zot pa fni nu det.promes prt mln p dr NRPT zmai pu enleV sa.samm kss pr milion ki cmplt prgrm prti mlin..EY lpep kozE li bn li pa bn.prti mlin pdir pu cmplt promss nkr ki bzn fer.zt knE tu bn cnte epagne capitalis bzn pay tax lezot.avk n interE.smm kss prti mlin pu al dne malherE.E kma m rnt dn lasemblE.capitalis m pa pu blyr zt.C zt ki bzn contribuE pu dimun mizer la Dmocracy.prty mln p dr cki apl la Dmocracy elctn.prmr minis ki V dr sa lpep.prty mln pdir dn engleter lin knE ki ena la democracy.en grn prty politic bzn fr 3manda slmn.faudai pa li fr 4manda.prski li bzn knE ki ena lezt prty plitic p envi vne au nuvo prty plitic lali ena bn lspri osi lipu kpv fer pli pire ki bn prty plitic.prty mlin p dir bzn cnferens d press local E intrnational.E bzn met sa dn laloi.sak prty plitic bzn gne zt chnce dn moris E intrnatinal osi.prty mlin pdir kuma m vin 1er minis dn lil moris tu bn tipti prty plitic dn moris m pu dne zt RS2million dn sak circonscription.4moi avn elctn pu kpv fr zt cnvkin lr C 1promes ki mo fr avk tu bn prty politic.zt osi zt ena zt chance dn lil moris pu zt vin 1er minis.prty mlin pdir nkr ki bzn pna dynasi dn nu prty mlin p vin 1er mnis c 1 prmes ki m p fr avk zt.lpep divan zt dn sak lkaz.zt trv mw bien a terre nu fr ledikasion televison,radio.le mment in bzn fr chngement grn prty politic pa voter.zot pu tmb dan la noirT.zt ou tmb dn la souffrance.zt pu bzn vote tou ban tipti prty plitic.C sa le mesage de party malin.get bien lpep symbol “ANCHOR”.samm ki apl symbol zot truv li lor tou bato a travers lemonde!pa fer errer kn zot al votE le 5mai. zot fr confians parti malin.E prti malin ena confians avk zt.merci rendE.vou les 5mai gramatin kan zot pu al met zt p remercier mr.dendankalikar et lekip de la bizin changement…


  28. If the Party Malin manages to get a seat for the assembly then we can expect interesting and animated PNQ sessions!! I believe he will get a fair number of votes from the population. We could have a surprising result tomorrow.


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