Students back on their way to school…

While the students of Standard 1 (primary) and Form 1 (secondary) students joined their new schools/colleges respectively on last Friday, the holidays finally came to an end today for most of the pre-primary, primary, secondary and tertiary students.

I am sure loads of them must have been pretty excited to go back “sur les bancs” after more than 1 month of holidays during which a large number of them kept repeating “mone plein lakaaz“.

The fact that students are no more in holidays might mean a completely different thing to different group of persons, let’s see how ;

It’s all about traffic…

traffic stats

No school = No traffic jams on roads = More traffic on facebook

And its true the other way round too.

I was surprised to see the calmness that prevailed on my facebook news feed today. There was definitely less (or none) stupid quizzes, facebook status messages, group invitations among others and… and… and better internet connectivity/speed !

But the worst things happen in real life…

A few to quote :

  • Loads of traffic jams,
  • Endless time waiting for buses,
  • Less seats (or none) available, more noise (and music playing), swearings in buses and bus stations!
  • Many issues about student bus pass, school transfers etc!!!

Oh… how I miss those days, especially university days!

Bon courage to everyone!

Images from here, and there

18 thoughts on “Students back on their way to school…

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  1. ya. its my first day at school today.
    I am the only one maybe who wanted to remain at home. I want to watch more films. I hate school
    However, you are right about:
    less (or none) stupid quizzes, facebook status messages, group invitations among others and… and… and better internet connectivity/speed !


  2. Quote:”There was definitely less (or none) stupid quizzes, facebook status messages, group invitations among others and… and… and better internet connectivity/speed !”
    Thats not true for me. Just wait for them to return from tuition.
    BTW, i am the only student not taking any tuitions in Upper 6,well, i think


  3. AHAHAHA! I certainly don’t miss this 😛 Goodluck to all the students. One year of patience needed to bear with the teachers and the rotten administration of schools :p


  4. Strangely enough 2 days after school resumption, no unusual traffic jams in the morning and afternoon. In fact i was wondering whether school has really resumed….


    1. @Clive : I agree with @Avishna. I found that weird too, weird that you did not get any unusual traffic jams. But everything depends which route/regions we are talking about.

      In your case, you are lucky!


  5. PL. B gramatin traffic as usual on Brabant street from BB/RH to PL. Enfin, touche di bois… Kitfois osi mo habitier blok dan traffic donc mo p truv sa normal :)hahaha!!!


  6. Kan pou ena electronic learning dan sa pays la? Ti ena mention openunviersity mai aster nepli tan narien.Pou redire trafic,dormi dan ene loca pre ar ou travail et zeleve bizin ena dormitories dan lecol. tou trafic fini. sa mo solition. moi bye gouloule de eau coulee ki p dire ou.


  7. @Bye Gouloule.
    I hate 24/7. We need to work during the day and sleep at night. Thats god’s wish.
    Instead, roads needs to be improved, not work at night instead


  8. @Reehas you are a disgrace to the teaching profession with such a comment. Better you quit and stay home.. The kids will fare much better


  9. @ Reehas

    être payée pour se faire emmerder à longueur de journée / de trimestre / d’année… est-ce qu’on peut s’attendre à voir votre nom dans un futur plus ou moins proche / distant que vous vous serez suicidé(e) de dépit / dépression, ou que vous aurez tué des gens dans votre entourage plus moins proche par défoulement…?
    Eh bien qu’est-ce que vous foutez à vous emmerder à faire semblant de vouloir aller travailler tous les matins? Dire qu’il y d’autres gens vraiment plus capables qui ont bien plus d’enthousiasme à transmettre en une journée que vous dans toute votre vie…
    Et que c’est à cause des fonctionnaires/parasites gens comme vous que j’ai pas du tout envie que mes enfants aillent suivre le cursus classique (CPE, SC, HSC…)
    Et c’est peut-être à cause d’un prof de maths motivé comme vous que je suis toujours merdique en chiffres – donc, je ne peux que vous dire “MERCI” de la part de tous ces enfants qui seront contaminés par votre manque d’ambition et d’enthousiasme!


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