Childhood memories : the first words…

Childhood memories - the first words

I am too happy! The response on my brand new photoblog is extremely great and encouraging! With this same excitement, lets start with a new series of posts, entitled “Childhood Memories”.

I am aware that some of you may make fun of me after reading this series of posts, but who cares? Except of course if you are like the 2yr old kid who plays pool wonderfully! I guess none of us spoke on their first day on earth, but each one of us did have our own language which was gradually replaced by some real language, understandable by all.

It is a fact, girls start speaking earlier compared to boys.

I guess that the reason why they keep talking for the rest of their lives.

Ok, bad joke, sorry girls!

It can actually be fun to hear the first words of your little brother, sister, nephew, niece or neighbor. Generally, those first words which come to their mouth are “mama” or “papa”. But in a few years time, I guess it will be “Internet” or “Facebook”!

Dakshinee's blog

Some months ago, my sister wrote a hilarious post about her childhood too, check it out!

I will end up this post with one of my funny (and perhaps embarassing?) moments.
Here is the small real story :

Some day, my dad drove me to a shop in our car. The shopkeeper was amazed by myself.

No need to tell you, mo ti ene ti touriste dans tipti 😛 haha, mo encore 1 touriste meme lol

He asked my dad where I came from koz he could not understood a word of what I was saying to my dad. A few minutes later, we could hear a plane flying and at that particular moment, I asked my dad :

Pa, ta ti to, ti ti agnon?

This is the fun part!

1. Try to guess what I meant by this phrase? ( I will give the english translation in a few days)

2. Feel free to share any copyrighted word or phrases which you invented in your childhood

Yashvin, pages of my life

14 thoughts on “Childhood memories : the first words…

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  1. cute photo, at least you looked like a guy – on my photos its long hair and curls…. heck I look like a girl! Am not publishing that one.


  2. @Selven : wai lol, parfois to penser vaut mieux reste ene zenfant, université 😛

    @AloMoris : How about speaking a bit in your language?

    @Carrot : lol.
    I guess the tweets will be :
    @Mum : Please bring me my milk/
    @Mum : Change my nappies!

    @Mike : Thanks *shy*
    Haha.. these days, the hairs are becoming rare 😉 (on urs and mine too lolz)

    @Nirvana : Merci encore.
    You got 2 words correct… got to try even harder 😛


  3. i know d answer………….mecanicien ti kwar li ene tourist acoz so fason causer hehehe….raconte kan to ti ale lor stage pour chanter e tne saisi la :D:D:D


  4. Answer

    Finally (after 1 yr), I found out that I had not given the creole translation 😛

    Yashvin’s kid language : Pa, ta ti to, ti ti agnon?

    Creole : Pa, loto sa ou avion sa?


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