Yashvin, you are now 1 year older!

The countdown came to an end exactly at midnight, while I was on the phone with Dhaneesha.

A few seconds after, all the lights went off, followed by the appearance of a birthday cake, full of candles which I did not even have time to blow properly since everyone sprayed their beer onto me, from all the sides!!!
(Video available below)

This is only a few minutes of the 2 nights camping which came to an end a few hours ago!

Facebook Birthday Wishes

As announced on my facebook profile, I was camping at Flic en Flac since Friday night, together with my uni friends and my colleagues :

  • Nitin
  • Dhota
  • Olivier
  • Charles
  • Selven
  • Vissen
  • Michael
  • Ashvin
  • Krishna
  • Vishal
  • Bernard

Indeed, since the last years, my birthday celebrations has always been great and surrounded by my people.

The camping…


Generally, when camping somewhere with friends, we use to give a code name to the bungalow.

I decided to name this one “Campement neuf heures moins vingth“.


Simply because the only clock of the bungalow always showed the same time since our arrival lol!

Clock "neuf heures moins vingth"!

One of our main stupid jokes was the time!

For example, whenever someone asked the time, the reply was always “neuf heures moins vingth“!

Another would ask “ki lere nu pu aller?” and the reply will again be “neuf heures moins vingth“!

Despite being only 3 persons on friday, Nitin, Dhota and myself had a blast since the first night itself!

After a nice dinner at Chez Pepe, we took a few drinks in Shots.

Shots Flic en Flac

Back to the bungalow at around 2am, we started to play cards while enjoying our drinks and snacks for a few hours till we could not intake any more alcohol.

Friday night

Early on saturday, Selven joined us, followed by Dhaneesha, Olivier, Michael, Vissen, Charles, Ashvin, Vishal, Krishna and Bernard!


Dhaneesha stayed with us for a few hours and then invited me for dinner in a resto, while the others enjoyed the spicy chicken of our chef, Nitin.


After dropping Dhaneesha at home, I came back to the bungalow where the party was still going stong!

As you can imagine;

drunk people = people + drinks + funny scenes + stupid jokes X great fun!

Disclamer : This is not always true lol.

As I wrote above, the cake cutting was done nearly at midnight, after which everyone began spraying their beer on me.

So, here is a short video of a few seconds.

[this video was shot by someone who was drunk, so, don’t expect to see everything]

This was followed by a few speeches done by Vissen, Nitin, Ashvin, Bernard, lol.

At 2am on sunday, we went for a swim in the pool and even there, so much happened and unfortunately I can’t relate everything to everyone.


We stayed nearly 2 hours in the water, with our bottles floating in the water, self service :p

Once everyone woke up in the morning, we set out for the beach for our lunch and a swim.

There was no lack of drinks nor snacks since we still had 1 bottle of Gin when leaving the bungalow.

Photo album

Many people have been asking for the pictures, so here is a facebook album containing part of the pictures shot.

You can see the pictures here (no need to have a facebook account).

I will update the album when I get pics from others.

Thanks for the wishes…

During the whole day, I kept receiving wishes through sms and phone calls and on my arrival at home this evening, I logged into my mail and facebook. I was over flooded with birthday wishes!!!

I am still getting new birthday wishes from everywhere!

Unfortunately I am not sure to be able to reply to everyone either through SMS or facebook message, but I would like to dedicate this post to everyone who wished me on this special day!

This post is for YOU !

I would like to thank all those present, and for making this celebration memorable, as always!
btw, Congrats to my cousin and my bhabi for their baby boy, born yesterday.
That’s great since as from now, I will be celebrating my birthday together with him ! haha!

20 thoughts on “Yashvin, you are now 1 year older!

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  1. Grrrr to pas coner tradition sa, to bizin thank everyone kine wish toi personally? like every1 kine ecrir lor to facebook wall to bizin al ecrir back on their walls as well!!!

    Anyways, happy birthday :p (at what age are u considered among les vieux btw? )


  2. A very happy birthday to you!

    Here is your gift : http://mightysebs.wordpress.com/

    a newborn blogger .. 😛 (today itself)

    What a great day! LFC won 5 – 0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    lol… i know completely unrealated.. but anyways..

    Many happy returns of the day(again) its not minuit yet.

    good night.


  3. Hi dude.

    TruV to fine extra bien amuser.

    Wish u a v happy Belated Birthday….10 mins late

    pa blier, boulot l’matin 😛

    take care

    cheers! 🙂


  4. I had actually thought that you had drowned in a sea of alcohol!
    Cheers, I hope that Monday morning is not too hard on your system…


  5. happy birthday yash!! sorry mo pane resi text toi! 😦
    mais here’s a birthday wish to you from Zoetermeer, Netherlands!!! 😉
    looks like you had fun! hope to p resi travail serier serier zordi!!!


  6. hiya dear….. hope u doing goood….. happpy birthday again….. fini souhaite u on facebook but i think this is your space where u would like to be wished as well.. 🙂 best of luck in evrything u do in future…. take care… shikha.. 😀



    I see that you are still very young 🙂 Enjoy life!!! Kuma depasse 30 ans la grave sa!!! lol!


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