Are U LinkedIn?

just discovered this site a few hrs before when i went to an interview today šŸ™‚
however i came across this word a few days ago when reading comments on Avinash‘s Blog…

In brief, its a site where one can put online his/her CV (Personal Details, Academical Qualifications, Experience, Interests etc )

i registered myself immediately back home and now am sharing this with you, hoping that someone may find you interesting enough to get in touch with you for a possible interview.

now that my profile is complete you can view it here or click on the button on the sidebar

Do post your links here if u want šŸ™‚
nice surf!

ps: special thnks to Lash, he helped me to understand pingbacks šŸ™‚

8 thoughts on “Are U LinkedIn?

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  1. seems very interesting, I’ll try it out…maybe i can get some offer from some big company like google (like mr meetoo) :p


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